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Asimov Azimov - the greatest psychohistoric - predicted everything that is happe...

The decline of the trana. Aisec Azimov and his prediction for

Asimov Azimov - the greatest psychohistoric - predicted everything that is happening in Europe, the Nazi regime in Moscow with the mouth of a fun alcoholic has outlined the new purpose of the Russian attack on Ukraine - the destruction of the Ukrainian state, "even if it has been going to decades. " That is, everything goes according to plan. Just the plans have changed. And now there are no plans. The Ukrainian plans did not change instead.

The whole world is watching how Ukraine comes and returns one settlement after another. According to the command, unfortunately, the offensive is not scheduled - this is obvious. But the initiative in the hands of the Armed Forces is also obvious. Ukraine's sincerity bribes. "Either we or they," says a Russian fool. But his task, so see, voice what to say aloud to people with a chair does not belong. Quite differently, these words sound when you think about why they had to pronounce them at all.

Especially if you look at the date - in the evening of the same day when Ukraine "again crossed the red border. " The destruction of inviolable TU-22M3-a potential carrier of nuclear charges, invulnerable missiles X-22-this is somewhat new. The blow is 700 km from the border of Ukraine. Blowing on a nuclear triad. This aircraft belongs to strategic aviation and exists in a limited amount produced in the USSR.

Such TU-22M3 can be harvested at the Kazan Airline, where several buildings without viscera have been lying since the Soviet occupation. I will not resort to the details, but there are no technologies or people in modern planes. And it is easier (faster) to collect the aircraft by cannibalism - removing the details from the old sides and collecting Frankenstein from them. What Russians are now doing with civil aviation.

The Moscow top, realizing that the case smells bad, threw $ 400 million from the National Welfare Fund, inviolable reserves. In order to urgently repair Soviet aircraft used for shelling of Ukraine. The planes, of course, wear out of daily use. And now one or two of them are completely destroyed - and this is literally a disaster. And for us a double reason to greet ourselves. After all, the Ukrainian army has learned to knock down X-22-in a kind of way.

What does Russia do not do not recognize the obvious? It didn't work out to win Ukraine. Initiative in the hands of the Armed Forces. The nuclear triad began to decline. And what about Russia? Where is the Russian army? He kills children, undermines enthusiastic dams, bombard schools and shopping centers, that is, does nothing that can really bring Russia to victory. Russia does not bring its goals closer. So, it is better for the goals to become unattainable.

The whole world is observed by a complete moral decomposition when Russian generals are undertaken to justify the death of children with concomitant losses. Against the backdrop of military failures on the front, it is a pure humiliation for any person who dare to call himself an officer. The military - even in Russia - do not go to the service of fighting with children. They need at least some goal. Something tangible in some reaching perspective.

There was nothing better than the Eternal War, the Kremlin could not invent. Approximately the same plan of existence in the DPRK. That is, there is simply no plan. Because to destroy a nation in 40 million people in the 21st century, to defeat the so -called collective event, without doing anything (because there are no levers), it is not a goal, but an obvious madness and the loss of real prospects.

It is not surprising that all the hopes of the Russians are again directed to America: maybe though Trump will help in a year or two? Or maybe threatening nuclear weapons again? Or maybe kill children again? This is a set of tools. Clean humiliation, chaotic reflections and powerlessness. Against the background of catastrophe in the economy. This is how the Galactic Empire behaved in the famous Cosmooper Aizek Azimov "Foundation". The same actions, the same symptoms. The empire shakes.

Instead of worrying about citizens (why the Russian death of tens of millions of Ukrainians, how will it change his life?) She embodied one crazy idea after another. More precisely, she could not even realize her threats.

And the attempt to destroy one of the states that decided to become independent, forced everyone else to look at the main planet of the empire: do we, then, are the following? So, it turns out, it is better to unite against the empire? The fool in Moscow was given the team to voice the "Eternal War" for the purpose of "destroying Ukrainian statehood".

After another liter of Vodka, gathering with forces after a loud slap in a deep rear, where the so -called nuclear triad was humiliated, the fool again paid attention to Moscow of all who surrounds Russia. All who once left the USSR. And even those who are still part of Russia. Destroy a neighbor? It's madness. According to Azimov, the movement of large numbers - the thing is determined. The direction of movement of multimillion -dollar social groups can be predicted.

Later, Azimov's idea was taken to dismantle true scientists and invented clyodynamics, by the way. Empty threats to Russia against the backdrop of killed children in Chernihiv; A new plan of the Eternal War for goals that cannot be achieved; The madness of the madness continues to spin this flywheel of history and leads the empire to where she did not end up 30 years ago. There is no place in the new world in the new world. Russia is stuck in the past.

And this new crazy Russian model that tries to tighten everyone in hell cannot find a place anywhere - in the West, where they no longer serve hands, nor in the east, where they use the moment and pump out everything from Russia everything that is possible for nothing . All Russia's neighbors began to run sharply on all sides. Kazakhstan looks at China and adjusts close connections with the West. Turkmenistan (and even Tatarstan inside the Russian Federation) approaches Turkey.

Everyone is looking for a nuclear bomb as far as possible, as the EU's main diplomat called it. Even Europeans do not pick up words. In the Foundation, the dead end was decided by the complete collapse of the empire when its heirs - like the Russians now - were unable to explain the principle of operation of mechanisms created by the century earlier.

For example, a Russian monthly program created on the basis of the USSR was designed to return Russia to the stars, ended with a disaster - because there are no people, no technology, no understanding. The USSR made 900 launches a year (it is experience: good luck and failure, technical base, accumulation of experience by specialists). Russia makes two or three launches a year. That is, it is simpler, Russia is no longer a cosmic state.

According to Azimov's book, the former provinces formed a completely different world. Fiercely. More human -centric. However, if you read the whole cycle is not so easy. However, the book is wonderful. It is not for nothing that it affected the fate of many famous people (both good and bad). But I always thought it was just a fantasy. However, the older I became, the more I saw parallels with the real life of the book.

And the series, which is now shown and continued to shoot, albeit far from the book, tries to reveal more details that may well take place. Isk Azimov - the son of emigrants from Soviet Russia - knew well what empires were. The prototype of his galactic empire is the Roman Empire and Nazi Germany. He wrote the Foundation cycle under the impression of Hitler, who "won the victory": "I could only convince myself that Hitler would, let him do, doomed.

What are the laws of history by which Hitler is , can't win. " Hundreds of parallels with Nazi Germany, which are in Russia today, cannot be denied. And the Hague Tribunal warrant for war crimes is like a cherry on a cake. Azimov was certainly right. Hitler such as Hitler cannot win, let them do any terrible crimes. And no matter how strong they seem. Genial Azimov, a great psychohistor (definition from his book), in fact, predicted the fall and the Russian Empire.

In the book, it was made by the hands of the Foundation, which restored civilization, uniting new worlds against a common enemy. Due to the mind and ingenuity, not the numerical advantage over the empire. In real life, real, our warriors - the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At first, no one believed that they were capable of it. Today everyone knows that only they can do it. Due to the mind and ingenuity. It was the Armed Forces that our international coalition was founded. Everything is like in a book.