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In an effort to develop a breakthrough under the reeds, Russian troops increase ...

Toretsk: The solution is approaching. Why do Russian troops increase pressure in the main direction

In an effort to develop a breakthrough under the reeds, Russian troops increase pressure under Toretsk. Describing the situation, the military analyst Konstantin Mashovets seeks meaning in the frontal attacks of the enemy and does not see the prospects in the development of their offensive without additional reserves. Let's try to evaluate the latest events in the Toretsky direction.

During the extreme several days, the advanced units of the enemy in the Toretsky direction have moved to active (offensive) actions in the tactical zone and managed to achieve some positive results for themselves, in particular: thus, during the "reporting" period the enemy managed to from the turn of the KPVV "Mayorsk" - Major The plant advance to the border of the eastern outskirts of the village. North-"noise" to a depth of 2 to 2. 3 km.

On the front, the width of the tactical inquiry of the enemy was approximately 3. 5-3. 6 km. At this time, apparently, the advanced units of the enemy are trying to gain a foothold in the forest massif southwestern "noises", the eastern edge of the forest east. North and in the area of ​​the eastern outskirts of the village. Northern . . .

Probably, in the near future, the command of the Center, whose troops (forces) operate in the Toretsky direction, as a result of the "obeyed well" will try to increase their efforts in this direction. Most likely to be in the direction of the village. Iron (or Southern village), as well as in the northern direction, along the channel "Siverskyi Donets - Donbas". In addition, it is likely that the enemy will try to increase his "control zone" in the eastern regions of the village. North . . .

According to the information that I had before the active offensive actions of the enemy in the Toretsky direction, a separate motor raimary brigade (OMSBR) from the 1st Army Corps (AK) was deployed here.

Yes, the 132nd OMSBR, the former 3rd OMSBR of the so-called "People's Pierce DNR" (NM DNR), known "in peace" under the name "Berkut" ("According to legend", at its origins stood former Ukrainian " The police "from the Berkut" unit) but not itself, in fact, this brigade, the main forces of which now operate to the left (west) along the road Konstantinovka - Yasinovat, and "promptly" subordinate to her two motor -raimers (SMEs) of territorial troops (SMES) -1436 SMEs of TRV and 1168 SMEs TRV.

In addition, in the spring, this brigade included a whole sleep of small regiments and battalions "DNR mobilization reserve", as linear, staff units. In total, up to 4-5-5 so-called "separate rifle battalions of the mobilization reserve" (OSB MR) and at least 3 rifle regiments of MR (OSP MR).

Thus, the composition and structure of the enemy forces in this direction, which were known to me before his active (offensive) actions, were as follows: but it is possible that within the preparation of active actions in the Toretsky direction, the command of the troops (UV) The enemy "Center" managed to regroup additional forces and means into this strip . . .

For example, part of the forces of the 110th OMSBR (earlier-"100-A OMSBR of the Republican Guard of the DNR"), approximately-about 2 battalions. In general, in the lane from Ozerivka to Novobakhmutivka (that is, in fact, in the Toretsky direction) the enemy may have in different formations at a tactical depth-up to 10-11 thousand in/sl, of which at least half-in advanced units, somewhere up to 50- 60 tanks and 110-120 units of BBM. This is the most "optimistic" calculations . . .

Immediately I will say, as for me, it is a special sense from a tactical point of view in these attacks and promotions for "a couple of km", figuratively speaking, "in the frontal", to Toretsk from the east I do not see. With one exception, if it is not the desire to "pull" to this area the main forces of the tactical group of the Armed Forces, which occupies the Toretsky district of defense.

In addition, it is not necessary to consider "random" the fact that by attacking toretsk from the east and the enemy's means "promptly subordinate" the 132th OMSBR of the enemy, the main directions of which are the neighboring segment, namely-Arkhangelsk-Kalinovo and Novobakhmutivka - Oleksandropol (on both sides of the Konstantinovka road - Yasinovata). Obviously, they act (or better to say, they try to act) coordinated and "in interaction" . . .

Yes, if considered on a larger scale, let's say so, from the "operative-tactical" point of view, the whole situation, the hypothetical operation "in respect of M. Toretsk, "first of all, for reasoning" expediency, "is clearly a matter of two groups of troops (UVs) of the enemy - UV" Center "and UV" Yug ", or at least their related flanks.

But by this time, the enemy, which operates in the Kramatorsk direction, obviously, let's say, "feels some difficulties" both in the area of ​​Yar, and south - on the turn of the Kigshchiyivka - Andriyivka . . . In other words, the pace of his exit. In the areas that are convenient and necessary for the implementation of the hypothetical Toretsky operation (which is approximately - Ivanopillya - White Mountain - Diliyivka - Plechiyivka) clearly do not correspond to the "planned".

Meanwhile, June ends . . . At the same time, the "center", which operates in the Pokrovsky direction (ie, south of Toretsk), has an obvious and undeniable success. It was able to "climb deep west" (practically, for the flank) of the Toretsky district of the Armed Forces.

Yes, at the moment, it is more "abused" by the problem of displacing our troops west of the barrier border on the rivers Vovcha, the state tolerance and the gobies and the promotion towards an important operational rock (Pokrovsk - Konstantinovka roads). However, this does not mean that they "do not keep in their head" the obvious possibility of conducting a Toretsky offensive when creating "convenient" conditions ".

In particular, as the main (or one of the main) elements What "tactical improvements" in the lane of the 132th OMSBR of the enemy seem to be unnecessary. In fact, the formation of the southern cover for the Toretsky district of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. territories, "strictly" in the eastern direction (ie on the "top" of the bridgehead), has a very logical and adequate meaning . . .

Therefore, it is likely that in the near future the enemy will try to do at least two things in this direction. But the "tactical scale in the lane of the Center" will require the enemy of the use of additional forces and means. Moreover, at the same time when he seeks to turn his own "Operyn breakthrough" into an operational. It is very interesting where he will find them . . . The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.