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After a storm on Kamchatka, the sea water completely flooded the runway, about a...

Went underwater: in the Russian Federation on Kamchatka flooded a strategic military facility (photo, video)

After a storm on Kamchatka, the sea water completely flooded the runway, about a kilometer long. At the same time, the Russian authorities assure that the situation has already normalized and the runway is ready to take planes. On the Russian Kamchatka came out of the shores of the Bering Sea. The water level rose so much that the airfield flooded near the city of Tilichik. The locals showed that the runway of the strategic object of the Russian Federation is flooded with seawater.

RIA Novosti was told about the consequences of the perfection of the element in the Telegram. The agency's post states that an emergency occurred after a storm. The situation is illustrated by a video shot, as indicated, on the runway of the airfield near Tilichik. The author of the recording stands in the middle of the platform, which is flooded from the edge to the edge. He says that "to go and go to the checkpoint, and the feet are already wet.

" It also shows your legs in boots: it can be seen that the water reaches the middle of the lower leg. All flights at the aerodrome were canceled, indicated in the Amur Mash Telegram channel. The authors of the post reported that the passengers would deliver to the desired place with the help of Mi-8 helicopters. Meanwhile, RIA Novosti states the Minister of Emergency Situations of Kamchatka Territory Igor Mikhno.

The Russian official assured that the water has already come down and soon flights at the airfield will be restored. In the photos, made at the site of events, it is seen that the runway is already free - the water receded a few meters. However, it is not clear when they took the photo. It should be noted that the airfield of Tilichiki is located on a sandy oblique near the bay of the cofa in the Bering Sea on Kamchatka.

The length of the runway is about 1 km, the height above the sea level is about 2 m. The width of the sandy hair is about 400-500 meters. The airfield is an object of federal importance and is intended for receiving passenger aircraft. Meanwhile, the Russian population complains not only in the Far East. On November 26, it became known about the arrival of the storm on the west coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea. Witnesses assured that they saw waves up to eight meters high.

In addition, the element damaged the transmission lines and tens of thousands of inhabitants left without light. The occupying power began to evacuate people from homes in Evpatoria and Saki. In one of the seaside areas, a gas pipe broke out. We remind that on the night of November 27 in the Odessa region recorded gusts of wind at a speed of up to 35 m/s, which indicates the arrival of hurricane. The area, in addition to the wind, suffers from snowfall, the media told.