It was found that he personally took off the photo and video of the column of Ukrainian military equipment with ammunition and placed materials in Tiktok with a binding to geolocation. After that, the video was instantly posted in Russian Telegram channels with a total audience of more than 100,000 subscribers, and on the Ticker page it was viewed more than half a million users. The blogger explained his criminal actions by the desire to "build up" the audience.
During the search, he had a mobile phone at home, which the attacker used to fix the movement of Ukrainian troops and further publication of the video. The man was informed of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (dissemination of information on the movement, movement or location of the Armed Forces or other military formations). Currently, the grief-blogger is threatening up to 8 years in prison.
The SBU was reminded of a ban on shooting and distribution of photos and videos, indicating the locations and moving the defense forces, as well as the consequences of hostile shelling. Such actions are regarded as adjusting hostile fire and is a criminal offense under the law.
We will remind, on May 12, the SBU reported that the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine during the presidential cadence of Viktor Yanukovych Dmitry Tabachnyk in subversive activity against Ukraine, support of the aggressor state, as well as in violation of the laws and customs of war. On the same day, it became known that in the Kramatorsk Donetsk region, two enemy informants were taken at the crime, which cited Russian missiles at the location of the Ukrainian military.
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