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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky states that it is difficult to predict t...

President at the Strategic Forum in Bled: I do not have the exact dates

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky states that it is difficult to predict the possible dates of Russian invaders from Ukraine today today, but the stronger Europe will unite around Ukraine, the sooner a victory over the aggressor will be. The Head of State said this when communicating with the participants of the Strategic Forum, which lasts in the city of Bled (Slovenia).

“The Ukrainian people have every right to fight for their territory and their land in internationally recognized borders. I think it is a very great desire, but for us it is a big and only just struggle, ”he said, answering the questions of the participants of the forum. Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that the return of the occupied territories can take place in different ways, and Ukrainians are aware of it. “I am not ready to predict when it is.

I do not have precise dates, but I have an accurate understanding of how we will do it, ”the President said. The Head of State emphasized that Russia is not truly negotiating for the end of the war, because it communicates only in the language of ultimatums, demanding from Ukraine the recognition of our territories' occupation. “It is necessary for both parties to want negotiations. All this is another public lie of the Russian authorities.

They are not ready for negotiations, they do not want it. In their understanding of negotiations, it is an ultimatum, we must admit that Donbas and Crimea are Russian territories. They already say that Ukraine would recognize the south of our state in the Russian territory after they hold another referendum there, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. The President emphasized that Russia will be ready for negotiations only after it feels the power of uniting the world in support of Ukraine.