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The new HM2ED pipeline is expected to help European countries access up to 2 mil...

Treasure underground: Europe says goodbye to gas with the Russian Federation, providing 10% of water needs

The new HM2ED pipeline is expected to help European countries access up to 2 million tonnes of green hydrogen. In Europe, they plan to build a HM2ED pipeline that will transport green hydrogen from Spain and Portugal to Central Europe through France. About it writes the portal Econews. The publication states that Europe aims to achieve pure carbon neutrality over the next two decades.

Construction of a pipeline instead of a mine will give Europe better access to an environmentally friendly energy resource. "The greatest treasure in history crosses this continent underground," the publication said. Spain and Portugal are reported to have access to the US hydrogen, but there is still no effective transport route between Western and Central Europe. HM2ED should help European companies and governments access up to 2 million tonnes of green hydrogen.

European countries began working on the pipeline as early as 2022 and planned to put it into operation by 2030. The implementation of the project will cost them about € 2. 5 billion. HM2ED is expected to improve energy security on the continent, providing 10% of Europe's needs in water, and will stimulate the local economy and promote jobs. According to the publication, coal mines and fossil fuel burning for energy are outdated and harmful to the planet.

There are many alternative energy sources, including wind and sun, but energy -intensive industries cannot rely on solar and wind energy if they want to maintain the current level of productivity. Green hydrogen has become a popular solution to this year. "Green hydrogen will become increasingly important as large industries are trying to reduce their carbon emissions.