Scientists believe that in this region it will also be possible to identify planets for the first time. The study is published in Nature Communications, Space writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The scientists first found near the central black hole of our galaxy, a double star called D9.
The fact that the double star is located very close to the black hole of Sagittarius A*, indicates that this star has withstood a huge gravity of a black hole and its surrounding area is a more stable place than it was expected. Scientists believe that this stability can even allow the planets near the stars in the area of space.
Although double stars, consisting of two separate stars, are a common occurrence in the universe, they have never been seen before the supermassive black hole of the Sagittarius A*, where the huge gravity of a black hole should not allow such objects. Although the double D9 star still exists, in this form of her life will be relatively short -lived by space standards, scientists say. Astronomers estimated the age D9 at 2.
7 million years, which is very small compared to the age of the sun, which is 4. 6 billion years old. The authors of the study concluded that the double star for a million years will still unite in one star under the influence of gravity of a black hole. The discovery of the first double star near the black hole of Sagittarius A* made it possible for scientists to obtain new information about the environment surrounding the supermassive black holes.
For a long time, scientists believed that new stars could not form near the black holes, but such stars were discovered earlier near the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Scientists believe that a double D9 star was also born near a black hole. It is a part of a dense accumulation of S-strokes that rotate around a black hole, weighing 4. 3 million masses of sun. The most mysterious objects in the star cluster are those who look like clouds of gas and dust, but behave like stars.
They are called G. astronomers tried to find out what these strange objects represent and found a double D9 star. Scientists believe that once the objects g were double stars such as D9 who were forced to unite and left behind clouds of gas and dust. Thus, objects G can give an idea of the future double star D9.
But the exact nature of the objects that rotate around the black hole of the Sagittarius A*, as well as understanding how they could be formed so close to a black hole, while remains a mystery. Due to the fact that astronomers have discovered young stars near the Black hole in the center of the Milky Way, around which planets are often formed, scientists believe that there is a likelihood of identifying such planets in the future in the heart of our galaxy.
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