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The military Yuriy Fedorenko told how long the occupiers will continue pressure ...

"Very high probability" opening a new direction: the Armed Forces commander revealed plans of the Russian Federation

The military Yuriy Fedorenko told how long the occupiers will continue pressure in the Kharkiv region and described the tactics of the enemy in Vovchansk. According to him, the occupation of the city is fundamental for Russia. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are coming in the Kharkiv region. The commander of the battalion of shock BPA "Achilles" 92 OSHBR Yuriy Fedorenko on May 23 on the air "Espresso" predicted when enemy assault will be stopped.

"As for Vovchansk, it is fundamental to the enemy - to take it, because it is a sufficiently successful bridgehead can be to further advance to the rear of the group of the troops of the Defense Forces," he said. The military assured that the defenders understand it and beat the enemy, but the city continues "enough complex" fights. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation act typically, accumulating position on position.

That is, the invaders go to the house, secure there and move on. "The war in the city building, while you have fewer personnel than the enemy, is difficult enough. The enemy understands it, and therefore it was important for him to get involved here - it was in the city development," Fedorenko explained. He predicted that the invaders will not stop the active assaults "in the next two months so accurate. " According to the commander, this enemy allows strength, opportunities and resources.

Russia understands that Ukraine takes time to accumulate ammunition. The army will only be provided in one and a half to two months, so by that moment the pressure from the Russian Federation will continue. "And I think, there is a very high likelihood that another direction will open - it will be sums, or along the state border line of Kharkiv region, somewhere near those directions where hostilities are underway," the serviceman added.