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Svetlana Loboda told focus about why she still produces Russian -speaking songs,...

Svetlana Loboda about Grammy, relationships with Natella Krapivin and Russian: exclusive focus interview

Svetlana Loboda told focus about why she still produces Russian -speaking songs, what her children do and whether they plan to return to Ukraine. And also about which of the Ukrainian show business maintains relationships. Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda told in an exclusive interview with "focus", where she now lives, why she continues to sing in Russian, what admire her daughters and whether she communicates with his former producer Natella Krapivina. I live in Riga, Latvia.

I am grateful to this country for their hospitality. I tour, write new songs, shoot clips. All my creative life is like on the palm of your hand, you all see it. I directly devote this 2024 to the 2024th anniversary of my solo career. My round XXLO is ongoing with great success. I and myself with great pleasure I go on stage, perform my old hits, and at this time I have a date with myself, that young and unshakned.

I remember the time, the history of the creation of every song, people who helped at that time and enjoy great pleasure in these emotions. To see that every song is a certain period in the life of every person, which she is experiencing again and detached to the full at that moment - it is really a very caif feeling. Now any round date is special. We live at a time when we need to thank for every day at rest, and here 20 years of creative life.

I used to be skeptical of celebrating this kind of anniversaries, I thought why to cling to these dates, it is better to go forward and write more and more hits. But now I am very pleased to give people emotions from that past carefree life, transferring them to the present, raising the mood and vital tone of people.

We are together at my concerts with the help of music, where the first love is, where the first failure is, where the first date, where you first need to take yourself in hand and go on, where many friends and pleasant emotions are around and all this will be repeated, Maybe in a different form, but I'm for seeing more beautiful and good in life.

Our world tour started at the end of March a series of concerts in New Zealand and Australia, after which many major cities in the United States have been traveled and now we end the first part of the European series - Spain, Austria, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Moldova . . . Very very I am grateful for the soldiers in every city, and especially for the fact that even when most of the locals come, Ukrainian flags are still fluttering in the hall.

Despite the fact that I am already an adult, but in my soul, like all artists, I remain a dream, though quite pragmatic. Today I do not allow myself to neglect any opportunity to go to new borders. Participation in the international project from the Grammy Music Prize is an opportunity to discover new horizons, to be seen and heard by an audience that we are not yet familiar with. Every artist wants to do so.

At the same time, I do not treat this event too seriously, I have many plans for the future. Global Spin is one of the interesting adventures that full of my life. Can you remember in all 20 years of my creative career a period when I was not criticized? Many journalists and bloggers invent a lot of questions for me, but no one has found the answer to the main thing: why I left, left, left, stopped, and went on the first occasion at the peak of my career in Russia.

You see that my colleagues from Ukraine, who have built a less successful career, have remained and quietly working, though they degrade - both creatively and spiritually. So, I was most afraid of moral degradation, as well as the torment of conscience, which, I am sure, would be destroyed. As for Russian -speaking songs - I have long put a point in this matter in previous interviews. I never promised that I would give up on them. I do not associate civic position with the language issue.

I know that many have different opinions. If we build a society democratic, then let everyone express their thoughts how he wants and he will be nothing for it. My girls now at a very interesting age - everyone in their own.

Eve passes the transitional teenage period with all the consequences that follow, and now it is especially important for me to find the right thin boundary between the role of girlfriend and mom, because I believe that discipline is very important for the formation of the future. We communicate a lot, read, go to theater and cinema, it admires Japanese culture, draws well, I try to support it where I can.

Matildi has recently turned 6, she meets this world with wide open eyes, goes to school, constantly invents new entertainment, visits many circles . . . The character of her still, will make anyone play according to her rules, all in her mother (laughs) . Tilda has a unique musical hearing, she has been engaged in a violin since 5 years, and this year she asked for a piano for her birthday.

The main thing is for my daughters to become good, strong, wise, independent personalities, whatever profession is chosen. But something tells me that they have enough show business at home. There was two weeks ago in Ukraine. All my production, clips, productions always consisted mainly of Ukrainians, it was and is my creative hub, so to speak. I am also invited to all kinds of charitable events, performances, corporate events. It was in Kharkiv near the front line during the week.

In this way, she supported the military at zero - morally, and not only. I also come to Ukraine for the purpose of carrying out the projects of my charity fund: the restoration of various damaged real estate objects, most concentrated in my hometown - Irpin. She did not spend the night in the parking lot, but in the bomb shelter to wait for air alarm had been more than once. Many thoughts. Feeling unpleasant.

I ask my parents to come to me as often as possible, but it is fundamentally important for them not to leave the house and Ukraine for a long time. In the spring of 2022, a projectile hit our house, and everyone, thank God, miraculously remained alive and unharmed. Then all the windows knocked out, there was no wall and roof, we all rebuilt.

Older people are usually very attached to their homes, to their native walls, so it is especially important for me to help Ukrainians restore destroyed housing, I see this connection with the examples of their own parents. We are both emotional, creative people, so throughout the cooperation there were many periods when we put communication on a short pause, and later restored - it was necessary to worry and be aware of key moments for each of us.

We are people of one order with a similar value system. I am glad that she also did not see herself among the Moscow cohorts of figures who support the war, that she stopped her successful career and left Russia. Also today I appreciate everyone who dedicated me to me in a period of life. It helps me build the future. Now we have different ways, but we go in parallel, watching one another. In difficult moments, I'm sure we will come to the aid of each other. Do not change that.

Friendship in show business is very specific. Often, it lasts periods, as a rule, related to joint projects, interests, similar purpose. When the directions diverge - friendship ends. My direction went the other way, I got a lot from it and lost a lot. Most people who were with me are with me. But there are those who tried to clear their biography against my name. I am sure that not friendship determines honesty, but the essence of man.

For example, I was pleased when in an interview with Dmitry Gordon, Alexander Ponomarev said that Loboda had done worthy, leaving Russia and choosing Ukraine. Considering that we have never been neither friends nor friends. He was not afraid to share his thoughts, realizing that not all his supporters would perceive it. I appreciate my friends - Anatoly Anatolich always supports me because we are familiar for a long time and know each other's principles well.

And there were also those with whom I worked for years, I considered their friends, but later in an interview, trying to win a new audience, and please, spoke nonsense about me and tried to teach, although the stories of life with them are very similar to them . Just some people were infamous. Despite this, I think that today we need the unity and ability to forgive each other, to be adults and to be aware of the great power that like -minded people possess.