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Michael Diamond believes that the doll of the 1940s, which was presented by the ...

Closed on the castle: a doll of World War II blinks and drives mouth (video)

Michael Diamond believes that the doll of the 1940s, which was presented by the former prisoner of the Nazi camp of the Second World War, is a ghost. Collector Michael Diamond from Liverpool (UK) received a spooky and "ghostly" doll of World War II. When he brought her home, "strange" things began to happen to her. The British tabloid of The Mirror mentions this story. Many horror movies contain spooky dolls that shake and move their eyes. With such a "toy" you do not want to be left alone.

However, for 48-year-old Michael Diamond, it became a reality when he brought home Mr. Fritz's doll's doll of World War II. The Liverpoul resident believes that the doll of the 1940s, which was presented by the former prisoner of the Nazi camp of the Second World War, is a ghost. He began to notice that a glass showcase with a doll at night was constantly opening. To fix what is happening, Diamond installed the GPRO camera, which was shooting for two evenings.

When the father of two children watched the captured material, he saw that the cabinet door was open and the mouth and eyes of the doll were moving. "When I watched the video for the first time, I had a strange feeling in my stomach. I was not completely surprised to happen to the door. At least once or two a week I noticed that they were constantly disrupting from the latch. I decided to install the camera for interest, To see if something happens.

When something happened, I had a strange feeling that hard to describe. It was very impressed, and I really felt a strange feeling. I wouldn't say I am afraid of Fritz but I am afraid of him ", - said the British. Now the doll is locked in a closet on a chain with a lock. The man also covered her with a blanket. Fritz was presented to Diamond in July this year, and now he was put in the "Room" of the British, where all his collectible things are stored.

The newspaper notes that this spooky doll was made by the American prisoner in the German camp of World War II Stalag II-B, which is now located in the city of Charne in Poland. Diamond believes that before being captured, the prisoner worked as a belly. He believes that the doll lives in the doll, and now closed the cabinet in his house on a chain and covered with a blanket. "The door opened once or twice a week, and I realized it is strange. On the first night you can see how the door opened.

The next night you can see how the eyes move to open the door and after. The eyes shimmer and the mouth moves slightly up -lower. My wife and daughter do not like it. I understand why people may be scared, but it is not frightened. I want to give them a permanent home. I emotionally attach myself to my exhibits, " -added Liverpool collector. Earlier, Focus reported that the spiritual plaque "ordered" the boys to kill their friend.

The game with a widget board involves the use of a pointer that slides on a board for spiritual sessions, consisting of letters of the alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9, allegedly for communication with the spirits of the dead. It also became known that the family said goodbye to the late father in the nightclub. The roller, shot during farewell to the deceased, became viral on social networks around the world. His family decided that his open coffin would be central to the dance floor.