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To perform missions to detect enemy air defense systems, the F-35 fighter is equ...

Scanned the territory and discovered by the Russian RSCs: As the American F-35 could help the Armed Forces

To perform missions to detect enemy air defense systems, the F-35 fighter is equipped with a radar APG-81 AFAR and the advanced system of EWS. However, even the advanced capabilities of the aircraft do not guarantee 100% success. The F-35 American aircraft scanned the area of ​​the occupied territory of Ukraine and possibly the Russian Federation, where Russian air defense agents are located.

According to Bulgarian Military Viewers, the stealth fighter in these operations was used as a "electronic vacuum cleaner"-an advanced tool capable of gathering a lot of information. F-35 was told by the Singapore NG Defense Minister NG Eng Hen during his speech at the Parliamentary Supply Committee on February 28. "American and British F-35 have made successful IDIL blows in the Middle East.

The United States has recently used their F-35 to identify and identify anti-aircraft missile systems of Russian units in Ukraine, and this information was transmitted to NATO countries,"- said Hen. The use of F-35 to detect Russian air defense systems was confirmed by Western observers. According to the Air Force Times report, the fifth generation of the US Air Force has successfully monitored most Russian air defense systems in Ukraine and Kaliningrad.

Experts say that the F-35 is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, which helps to collect a variety of intelligence. These include the radar APG-81 AFAR, the electronic fight system An/ASQ-239 and the EOTS electro-optical system.

"Simply put, the F-35 is an additional component added to the complex network of platforms and sensors that are currently used by Western countries, the leader of which is the United States, to provide Ukraine with the most important reconnaissance data," the material reads. The key element for F-35 scanning is the radar APG-81. It is able to identify and track different goals in large terrain. This modern system works by deploying an array of radar modules that direct electronic rays.

In this way, the mechanism allows the F-35 to scan at different angles at the same time without rotating the radar antenna. In addition, the stealth fighter is equipped with An/ASQ-239 Barracuda-the advanced radio electronic fight system. This system allows you to identify, find and track enemy radars and communications, which is a key factor in identifying anti -aircraft systems. The F-35 complex synchronizes data from different sensors to create a clear and detailed image of the battlefield.

Despite the advanced F-35 functions that allow him to identify and identify hostile systems, there are situations where this functionality does not always produce results. This is also written in Air Force Times. The fact is that the enemy can have equipment that allows you to effectively hide its systems from detection. One of these cases was told by the commander of the 388th Fighter Air Force Air Force Air Force Colonel Craig Andrel.

According to him, during a reconnaissance mission before the full-scale invasion of the Russian F-35, without going into the airspace of Ukraine, tried to identify the locations of the complexes C-300. However, the attempts were in vain. One of the reasons, said Andrel, due to the fact that the Russian air defense was in the "combat reserve mode"-a rather unusual mode when the C-300 radars remain passive, collecting data and not radiating them.