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The court acknowledged that pregnancy was not a ground for evasion during the wa...

Gave 6 years: in the Russian Federation judged a woman who evaded mobilization due to pregnancy

The court acknowledged that pregnancy was not a ground for evasion during the war. The military prosecutor noted that the woman did not remove himself from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and continued to use privileges. The Russian Federation became aware of the first criminal case about evasion of mobilization against a woman. She did not appear in part due to pregnancy, but she was still appointed six years in prison. About it writes "merchant".

The woman-serviceman did not appear to the military unit after the mobilization was announced in the Russian Federation. At the same time, before the case, she received a recommendation for temporary dismissal in connection with pregnancy and the presence of a child of 2018 in the medical company. However, the military prosecutor did not accept these arguments, asking the Ephrater's indictment.

He stated that the defendant had not dismissed the military service in connection with pregnancy, but continued to receive proper security and use benefits. The military court found the woman guilty of committing the crimes under Part 5 and Part 3. 1 of Art. 337 of the Criminal Code (failure to appear for service without valid reasons for the period of mobilization, conditions of armed conflict or fighting). The woman was threatened with seven to ten years on charges.

The court appointed the military for six years of the general regime. But since the defendant has a minor child, his or her punishment was postponed by 2032. It should be reminded that in Russia the deputy was sent for forced treatment for a psychiatric hospital because of comments against war in Ukraine and the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.