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On June 13, the next meeting of the contact group on defense of Ukraine in the f...

Patriot in Poland and the decision - in Washington: why Warsaw does not give Ukraine aircraft

On June 13, the next meeting of the contact group on defense of Ukraine in the format "Ramstein" was held on June 13, during which Poland stated that she refused to give Kiev the Patriot system existing. Why Warsaw took this position and how justified it was a focus. On the agenda of the 23rd on the account of the Round of Negotiations in the format "Ramstein" discussed "the urgent needs of Ukraine, in particular, in air defense systems, weapons and ammunition.

" Actually, the key to aggravation of air defense would be a key to the issue of increasing - partners have been trying to find additional air defense systems for Ukraine - especially Patriot, but have not yet achieved visible success in this direction. The only country that initiated the creation of a "air defense coalition" and gave a personal example, giving Kiev an additional Patriot system was Germany.

Just on the eve of Ramstein-23, there were rumors in the media that, without waiting for the allies, Berlin decided to part with the fourth complex. However, Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius during a meeting of the contact group said: Germany sacrificed Ukraine "a quarter of its own reserves of such systems", and it "no longer has the opportunity to transfer yet.

" He also assured that the Allies did not sit out of work, but study the possibilities of increasing the production of Patriot, although he acknowledged that it would take a long time from release to the transfer of complexes to Ukraine. Meanwhile, official Kiev insists that he needs Patriot immediately and, as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said recently, in the number of seven pieces without taking into account the promised and promised ones.

It should be noted that on the eve of the next "Ramstay" The New York Times reported that Joe Biden had decided to follow the example of German Chancellor Olaf Soltz and has already approved the transfer of Patriot from the United States to Ukraine. It should be noted that the Americans still put the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to NYT, which referred to officials from the White House, Washington was about to give the Ukrainian army a Patriot deployed in Poland.

It is noted that this system protected the rotation of US troops that would return to the United States. "Administration representatives hope that the deployment of another American Patrio system will push the allies to do the same," the newspaper said. Meanwhile, in fact, it did not happen.

Deputy Defense Minister of Poland Caesarius Tomchyk stated that Warsaw was against such developments, and the head of the National Security Bureau of the Republic of Jacek Sivera noted that such information "causes concern". At the same time, the Pentagon on the eve of Ramstein-23 refused to confirm Joe Baiden's decision, but noted that the issue of strengthening the air defense of Ukraine, in particular at the expense of Patriot, was "on the agenda".

One way or another, at the beginning of Ramstein-23, Pentagon Lloyd Austin, the priority of the air defense topic, but no new announcements were harvested. From real news he had only one announcement: a new participant - Argentina - joined the contact group. "Ukraine's support is growing," Mr Austin stated about it. There was nothing to say about Pentagon's aircraft.

Reporting the "extremely successful meeting" of the contact group, Mr Austin again listed the latest allies' announcements about new supplies to Ukraine, including Joe Biden's previously declared $ 225 million aid package, and promised to provide Kiev "everything you need. " However, he still had to answer the air defense in that part of the press conference, when journalists were able to ask several questions.

Lloyd Austin, in particular, asked what prevents Washington from passing Patriot to Ukraine, because it is in the United States that the largest number of these systems has. However, the Pentagon head did not specify, assuring only that in daily mode is working on strengthening the Ukrainian air defense and will make "everything possible to satisfy Ukraine's request as soon as possible.

" Meanwhile, the experts with whom the focus communicated somewhat differently evaluates the position of Washington and Warsaw on the supply of air defense systems, in particular, Patriot. "As for the Poles' position on Patriot, they are constantly declaring that they need to protect themselves, but the question is that no one is attacking them now. However, even if the Russian Federation attacks Poland, it will already be Russia's war with NATO . Therefore, I consider this reason for refusal.

The position of Poland, according to the expert, "fits into the line that this country has previously drawn. " "That is, on the one hand, the Poles always declare diverse support of Ukraine, and on the other, for example, they calmly look at the border blocking, including for military cargoes. A kind of double game, which does not paint them in any way," Petro sums up Oleshchuk.

In his turn, political scientist Taras Zagorodniy in the comment of focus makes the following emphasis: "The Poles should not have any claims at all. Why? Because at the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Poles took responsibility and transferred a bunch of weapons, despite the fact that Washington in He was silent for two weeks.

" Emphasizing that Poland has done so much for us, the political scientist emphasized: "When the Poles say that they cannot do something, it means that they really can't do it, because they also have a border with the Russian Federation and the Russians" nightmare "Through rebves. The Poles are currently actively arranged, knowing that they can count on themselves only. The Poles also pull so heavy load, including, providing security not only but also in fact the Baltic countries.

" Answering the focus questions about why the Poles do not knock Russian missiles crossing their border, Taras Zagorodniy noted the following: "We must clearly realize that this is not their decision, but Washington's decision. That is, when we try to offend or offend in such situations in such situations Laughing at the Poles, we must realize that it is really the position of the United States. There will be no nuclear apocalypse.

" The next step, according to Taras Zagorodniy, may be "reporting the feasibility of killing Poland and other missile countries, including over the territory of Western Ukraine. " "This question must be pressed and constantly talking about its importance," the expert sums up. The Poles, although positioned as the American politics, actually demonstrate some contradictions with Washington, - political scientist Alexei Yakubin notes in conversation with focus.

"Especially these differences are manifested in the relationship between the White House and the President of Poland. In my opinion, the Poles would be more than Republicans. As for the knocking down of Russian rockets over the territory of Western Ukraine by Polish fighters.

Having emphasized that the history of Patriot systems now needs first and foremost an American political decision, the political scientist emphasized: "The fact that the United States occupies in this matter, let's say so, a passive position, partly, I think, related to the election campaign. Another point concerning Patriot is the technical component. They gave Patriot, without this link with fighters they will not be as effective as they could be.

" At the same time, in the belief of Alexei Yakubin, in Washington, they still believe that "giving weapons to Ukraine, even one that could potentially protect us, should be in small portions. " Meanwhile, at the meeting of the Ukraine-Ukraine, on June 13, which also discussed the issues of air defense, it was a must-make voluntary contribution of allies to help Kiev.

During the press approach with the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed confidence that the Alliance for Kiev would create a "reliable structure for support in the long run. " It is said that the Alliance members have approved the "Operational Support Plan of Ukraine", which plays a key coordination role in the supply of weapons and the training of Ukrainian soldiers.