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I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Report for this day. He ran. Several...

Our Ukrainian actions against the terrorist state will be more-the appeal of President Vladimir Zelensky

I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Report for this day. He ran. Several major questions. The first is the specific situation on the front, our offensive actions, defense operations. Important reports on the East, South. Also regarding the destruction of the logistics and headquarters of the invaders. There are good details. Loud details. I thank all Ukrainian soldiers who have been distinguished! The second is providing shells. This is the theme that we do on a daily basis. Supply from partners.

Finding new opportunities in the world - we clearly know how to provide supply. But we gradually increase the volume of our Ukrainian production. This is one of the top priorities. Today, in addition to the reports, there was a separate meeting with a mineral service. There was also a separate meaningful intelligence report on the situation in the Russian MIC. We see clearly what areas of pressure on Russia should be strengthened so that the terrorist opportunities do not grow.

Sanctions are not enough. There will be more. There will be more Ukrainian actions against the terrorist state against the terrorist state. Until Russia's aggression continues, Russia should also feel. And necessarily - our work with partners to finish the war on Ukrainian conditions on the basis of our formula of peace. Quite fair. Today he met with the Chairman of the National Council of Austria - he was a visit to Ukraine.

Our efforts have been discussed in detail for the world majority to join the peace formula. And I appreciate that Austria is ready to join. Of course, our European movement was discussed. I informed about the implementation of seven recommendations of the European Commission by Ukraine. And we are very relying on further support from Austria of Ukrainian European Integration. One more. Each day, Russian terrorists beat our cities and villages with rockets and Shahaneda.

Almost every night in the Ukrainian sky dozens of drones, different types of rockets are destroyed. Unfortunately, there are hit. There is a fall of debris . . . And invariably our rescuers, our police, doctors, volunteers, utilities - all emergency services work 24/7 to help people and keep our infrastructure. I want to thank today to those people who have been distinguished by these weeks. In Odesa region, in Poltava region, in Cherkasy region.

Employees of the SES of Odessa Oblast: Chief Master-Satent Oleksiy Zhaboryuk, Sergeant Sergey Choby, Sergeant Alexander Velev. Odessa police officers: Colonel Vyacheslav Barba, Major Mykola Prostrtov. Firefighters of the Odessa Branch of the Administration of Seaports of Ukraine: Senior Fireman Gennady Masistrenko, Fireman Andriy Kohut.

Thank you all guys for your work! SES of Ukraine in Poltava Oblast: sergeants Yevgeny Bilokobilsky and Vladimir Smyk, Captain Sergey Kirichenko - thank you! Poltava police: Senior Lieutenant Anton Trilolov and Captain Oleg Nikish. Ksenia Kushko, a doctor of the brigade of the Poltava Regional Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine. Igor Gevel, paramedic. Poltava volunteers: Tatiana Shakhovtseva and Igor Stefan. I thank for your courage! Cherkasy.

Morning on September 20, a blow to the city, at the Cherkasy Hotel. Employees of the SES of Ukraine in Cherkasy Oblast: Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Mokienko, Chief Master Store Mykola Oliynyk, Sergeant Andriy Kutsevol. Cherkasy police: Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Brelakha, Senior Lieutenant Vadim Ruban.