The head of state-aggressor said this on Wednesday, January 18, during the events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, writes Telegram-channel of the Kremlin pool. "Everything we do today, including a special military operation, is, as I said many times, an attempt to end this war. That's what the meaning of our operation is. And to protect our people who live there in these territories. These are our historical territory, "Putin said.
In addition, the President of the Russian Federation Narik on the collapse of the USSR, adding that by 2014 the Russian Federation did not claim its "historical territories". Then, according to Putin, the Kremlin saw "the extermination of people related to Russian culture" in the Donbass. "We have long suffered, long tried to negotiate. As it turns out now, we were just driven by our nose, cheated. It is not the first time that happens and happens to us.
However, we have done everything possible to regulate this situation with peaceful means," the Russian president added . According to Putin, it is obvious to him that it was impossible to settle the situation with peaceful ways, "and Ukraine was preparing to translate the conflict" into a hot phase ". We will remind, in the report of the Institute of War of ISW of January 17 it was stated that on January 18, Putin could declare a new mobilization in the Russian Federation.
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