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According to Frontex, the external borders of Finland are the borders of the Eur...

Increasing border control: EU will send additional staff to the border of the Russian Federation and Finland

According to Frontex, the external borders of Finland are the borders of the European Union, which makes their safety issues of collective European care. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency plans to send 50 border guards and other employees, as well as equipment to strengthen Finland border control. This was reported on November 23 by Frontex on its site.

According to the statement of the organization, the first group of reinforcements, including patrol cars, will go to Finland on November 29. Among them will be border guard officers, migrant registration experts, documentation experts and translators. Now, according to Frontex, 10 officers of this organization work at the Finnie borders within the framework of Terra 2023 joint operation. "The participation of Frontex in this situation is not limited to border protection measures.

The agency is keenly aware The borders of Europe respected and maintained the fundamental rights and dignity of all people, "the agency said. The organization notes that the external borders of Finland, which extend for 1340 kilometers, are also borders of the EU, which makes their security issues of collective European care. "Finntex support goes beyond logistics; it is a demonstration of a single position of the European Union against hybrid challenges that affect one of its members.

This cooperation shows that Europe is a single front in the face of complex border problems, offering support through specific actions , - said Frontex Executive Director Hans Lytenns. Finnish border guards reported that in recent months, a large number of people who have no entrance documents have been trying to get into Finland through the border crossing points on the Southeast border.

Finland's authorities accused Russia of deliberately referring to the country of illegal asylum seekers without documents and in response decided to close 7 of 8 out of 8 border checkpoints. Since November 25, only one intersection point of the Finnish-Russian border of the rayon-yoosep, where migrants will be able to file an application for international protection. We will remind, earlier in Finland banned the entry of the Russians to the country on bicycles.

This decision was made through illegal migrants who tried to enter the country. Meanwhile, the Kremlin said that "nothing but deep pity is not causing" and cannot affect the situation, because there is no dialogue between Russia and Finland.