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Russian propaganda tries to exaggerate the scale of what is happening near Pokro...

Under Pokrovsk the war does not end. Why Russia pretends that Kursk is not important to her

Russian propaganda tries to exaggerate the scale of what is happening near Pokrovsk and to diminish the importance of the Kursk Operation of the Armed Forces.

In fact, the former serviceman Eugene Dyky assures, it is a subtle technique designed to demoralize Ukrainian society "Zelia, withdraw Vaizsk!" The foot of a foreign soldier, and set up the lives of the Russians under temporary occupation, in the information space one of the most important battles unfolds, the result of which can have a considerable impact on the entire course of war - no longer informative, but real.

In this information battle, we are still giving way to the enemy - as always, because he has a thoughtful plan of the information campaign, the means of promoting the information he needed and the centralized leadership of "Infovis", and we hope that "the truth will show itself. " But Nitus, it's time for everyone to realize that we are dealing with another and very extraordinary information battle, and understanding this, to get into the process.

So, the initial disposition of the parties to the Kursk offensive: under these conditions, the Kremlin adopts a completely wise strategy: to accelerate the offensive in the Donbass as much as possible (at any cost, without sparing the last reserves-because it is not enough time, if you move slowly, the offensive will still be chosen due to lack resources, and then the army will begin with all the consequences), to squeeze out of this offensive as possible (which in reality is no different from the same offensive in this Donetsk region of summer 2022, winter and spring 2023, winter and spring 2024 ), submitting it as "decisive", and have time to squeeze us to the deadly for us and the rescue for the Russians "freezing".

It will be obvious before the lack of resources and reserves of the Russian army, and then they will not be talking about freezing. The Kremlin's calculation is not stupid at all, and could well work. For our enemies it is the only rescue scenario, for all others in half a year the picture for them will not be rainbow, but in a year, most likely catastrophic. Therefore, to cope with us in the next couple of months is the only chance to avoid losing in the war.

Accordingly, all resources - both military and information and political, have been thrown to realize this chance. And then suddenly we go to Kurshchyna. The whole Putin plan is cracking at the seams and practically expelled, unless we make a fatal mistake now. For the first weeks of surgery, they gave obvious and extremely extraordinary results: in general, we have achieved the greatest military success after the fall of 2022 and continue to consolidate and develop this success.

Of all of the above, the most important is the change in the international situation, because the help of our beautiful allies depends on such an uncertain factor as their belief in our ability to win and the internal processes that we launched in Rashka.

But the first is much weakened, and the second will not have time to give a significant effect, if our surgery ended in the next weeks and looks like a brilliant, but a raid or a jump: they found the enemy of Slap, they jumped suddenly, and then returned home, because when Rashka began To fight the real one, who would withstand… - and again, all the iron will come from the same song about "the invincibility of Mordora in the long war" with everything that follows from it.

A completely different story, if we get fixed there for a few months, arrange, we will move, as long as we can, forward (Lugs seems very attractive, and Bryanschyna from Kurschyna falls nearby), and then we will organize the defense and reflect the enemy's attempts to bring us back for "Parebrick" . With this scenario, every batch of zincs with "Is a" existently Russian Zaylie "will enhance the effect of" naked king ".

It is necessary to understand the psychology of the Russians: they forgive their kings and secondary to the secondary sensover and the crimes as they demonstrate force; The weakness is never forgiven. And every day of our Kursk operation demonstrates the Kremlin's weakness much better than any of our success at the front within Ukraine. These obvious things are not only understood by me, PU and his team know it much better than me.

And after the first shock the Kremlin thought out the strategy of getting out of the situation. The strategy is very risky, but not without a chance of success. And the key element of this strategy is you with you - a rear Ukrainian society.

The Kremlin has adopted the fact that they have no reserves and resources in order to quickly throw us out of the Kursk in a purely military manner - except for the cost of stopping the offensive in the Donbass and transferring the most capable parts from there. However, the "victory" in Kurchyna, achieved by such a price, is not a victory for the Kremlin - because we remember that the time for the game of the long time in our enemies was not left, and after the "liberation" All the front.

And here against the backdrop of a failed military situation for the Russians, a well -thought -out and coordinated information operation is unfolding. The essence of the operation: in every possible way to diminish the scale and significance of events in the Kurshchyna and in every possible way to blow the role and value of the offensive on Pokrovsk.

While our troops are overwhelmed An immense number of fighters) is presented as a strategic victory that almost puts the final point in this war and leaves us a different choice other than surrender. In this picture everything is wrong. As far as our Kursk offensive is actually significant, there is no need to repeat. Instead, it is worth explaining something about Pokrovsk, which, according to the creative design of Rospropaganda, is almost not sacred.

Yes, the Russians are moving in the Pokrovsky direction faster than before-it is absolutely logical, given that they have chosen a strategy "Pasl united and reference battle": to get us immediately, at any cost, because it will be too late. Yes, keeping defense in this direction in a pure field under the cabin and fabrics and for the numerical advantage of the enemy is very problematic and have to retreat - sometimes thoughtfully and organized, sometimes not falling, due to loss of positions.

Yes, the Russians, most likely, will come to the outskirts of Pokrovsk in the next weeks, it is almost inevitable. So, Pokrovsk, as a living city, we, unfortunately, we lose, the population already needs to be evacuated. Does this mean that Pokrovsk will soon go into the hands of the invaders? In no case! Remember the time of the ravine (much smaller than Pokrovsk), on the outskirts of which the enemies came out 4 months ago.

During this time, they have managed to crawl about two -thirds of the city, one third is still held by our defenders. To the Toretsk enemies went out more than a month ago, almost a ceremonial march (there was a unfortunate breakthrough of the front line in one plot) - and for a month they were fighting on the eastern outskirts of the city, and they did not even move in depth of streets. Let us mention Soledar, Bakhmut and Avdiivka.

We have always been and remain stronger in defense in the city building, where every house and basement are "natural" fortification. The battle for every quarter is not at all that the offensive in the field, and is given to enemies much more losses. The Bakhmut Russians took 10 months and paid such a price that after this "pyrovine victory" the Wagner rebelled. Much smaller Avdiivka was taken for 4 months and with such losses that there was a "war" from despair shot.

Now the Russians Pokrovsk - with the prospect of the same long and grueling street battles. Only the resource of the occupiers is a little bit not the one that then . . . After all, even if the worst is to allow Pokrovsk to share the fate of Lisichansk, Bakhmut and Avdiivka - it is, of course, difficult and sad, but not fatal. It is strange that it has to be reminded, but this war is not behind the city of Pokrovsk. Similarly, in the spring of 2022, we did not waged war for the city of Kiev.

Fighting is for different settlements, from Sudzhi to Mariupol, instead the war is one, and the rate in it is the life of our country. And if to win the war at some point it would be necessary to run enemies in Kiev and fight with it on the streets of the capital - so too could be, and in itself it would not be fatal. The fatal will only lose the war - either for us or for the Kremlin.

I don't like sports comparisons during the descriptions of the war - it is unethical, because it is about the death of our people, not points, points and rounds. But it is worth mentioning that the war is a terrible and bloody likeness of a chess party, where you have to sacrifice figures, and only is the matter who will eventually put the mat. We live with you in such a terrible chess party, where we do not have to sacrifice not wooden figures, but living people, units, cities.

It is awful, but it is worth remembering that the price of a loose party is the existence of all our cities and all of us. Could our parts that are currently triumphant with Kurshchyna stop the offensive on Pokrovsk? Sorry no. Could it slow down something? Yes.

But what would it give us? If the creeping offensive of the Russians in the Donbass would continue to be the only daily event of this war, the prospect of us would be only one - "frost" on Russian conditions, that is, surrender, a little earlier or a little later. And the fact that Pokrovsk would last for a month longer, it would hardly be canceled.

Instead, Kursk opened the prospect of our victory for the first time after the unsuccessful offensive of 2023 - not directly tomorrow, but not for many years. And if the cost of this is that the fighting in the city building will start a couple of weeks or even a month earlier than if we all living in this direction - it's a big but acceptable price. And much smaller than paying enemies for this promotion.

I was a soldier in the trench, reflected the predominant enemy and know well that I feel a tired fighter, who is denied reinforcement. Of course, it seems to him that the reserves that he is so lacking next to him in the trench, and who "walk" somewhere elsewhere, is at least the inadmissibility of command, if not treason at all. But that is why no war is commanded by heroes in trenches and even combines or combriges.

That is why the wars are conducted by the General Stamps - people who do not risk every minute and give their orders from the deep rear. And they have complete information throughout the front. And not only on the front, but also in the hostile army, in general hostile country and in the allied countries. And, having all this information, they make a holistic picture, which neither a fighter in the trenade, nor the more Facebook sofa.

And having a holistic picture, they make terrible and necessary decisions - in particular, where to send reserves, and where they are not enough, how to distribute scarce ammunition and so on. I am glad that I am not in their place, because it is a terrible responsibility and very cheerful work. But it is this work that leads to the victory in the war - if done correctly. Or to defeat - if the rear interferes with this work and begins to demand the wise, instead the "obvious" decisions.

But let's return from the real front to the front information. So, the whole strategy of PU is built on one thing: on the intention of winning our brains with you much more effective than his army conquers our lands. We have to lead to the "unimportment" of Kursk and "strategic weight" Pokrovskaya. We have to despair again and recognize the "invincibility" of the Russians on the battlefield - but how, they are "even" to Pokrovskaya, and we are "just" in the Russian rear.

And we have to force our command to withdraw the Armed Forces from Kursk. Yes, it is we - because the Russian army did not cope with this task. Due to a variety of agent, we and our allies are accumulated by two allegedly opposite messages: these messages are designed for different audiences - the first for a stupid and pessimistic, the second on a little smarter and more optimistic. However, the result is the same - with a victory or with defeat, but we should seem to get away from Russia.

Even if there was no other information (but it is just a wagon!), Only one thing should show all thinking people: our stay in the Kurkh is the biggest problem of the Kremlin. The Kremlin burns, there is a well -understood that every day of our stay in the "true" Russia is a clock that calculates the time until the end of the Puyle regime. Propaganda efforts can disinfect this problem on a scale, but not on a scale.

Therefore, it is extremely important for us to stay in Russia as long as possible, while for the Kremlin - on the contrary. Any person who calls us now to return from Kurschyna-indifferent, "with a trumpet, because we did everything, it will be worse", or "because without a lot", or simply "to save Pokrovsk"-works for the Kremlin and takes Participation in an information operation, designed to bring Russia already lost hope in victory over us.

This person understands this or acts as a useful idiot - it is indifferent, because the result is the same. Therefore, our reaction must be rigid and not attached to reflection on the agitator motivation. The slogan "Green, remove the troops!" Must be equated with "Putin, Vvedy Way!" - This is the same mantra of our enemies, and the one who spreads it works on the Kremlin.

It is interesting to look at who and how they "smoke" in this story, a lot of interesting things have already dumped - both about some Western media, and about some "charns and even not even Russian", and about the FSBShny "Kanserva" among "Ukrainian experts". The Kursk Information Operation is one of the moments of truth, another litmus paper that reveals, HU is who is the one and who is HU.

But the main thing is not the register of agency (though important), first of all we must not lose this battle. We need to interrupt in our information space we are imposed on us (and unfortunately, very successfully imposed on the background of fatigue and despair) of narratives about the "invincibility" of Russia in the war for exhaustion. We have to take a red pill and see the enemy as it is now - huge, ruthless, still strong and very dangerous, but extremely exhausted and bleed.

Victory is not tomorrow and not "two to three weeks", but its light has already been fired at the end of a long tunnel. It drew from Sudzh, although at the same time from the candles of burning oil depots, and even from our units lost, but before that covered with hostile bodies of trenches near Pokrovsk. This light is becoming more and more closer, but fatigue and despair prevent us from looking at it.

If we see it now and start to handle it accordingly - we will not even be able to see it even blind. Let's not see, let's take a false picture that we are painted by FSBSh illusionists - the light can go out, because we will "swing" earlier than the enemy. This is the only chance of Rashka to win, the last chance, after which our victory will be only a matter of time. So, again in this war, the fate of victory is largely in our hands with you, Ukrainian typists.