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The highest concentration of hostile attacks is now continuing near Selidovoy. T...

"Trying to get out of the environment": Fighters of the Armed Forces about heavy battles for Selidov

The highest concentration of hostile attacks is now continuing near Selidovoy. The enemy is actively involved in bombing and assault aviation. Now the city of Selidovo is an epicenter of hostilities not only in the Donbass, but also throughout the front. The fighting goes literally in all parts of the city, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are storming from everywhere. The Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" informed about it in his telegram-channel "Officer+".

"Characteristic battles are that the hostile infantry slips into all the cracks and without fixing goes on, that is, the total gray zone, however, it is not better for us. For example, yesterday, the fall was thrown by a rag with a rag on a multi -storey building, on the same day on it They worked, but our units were not entrenched there, "he said.

Another fighter of defense forces with the call sign "Muzy" reports that the fate of the city of Selidovo is quite sad, the enemy continues to move to the highlands, and the accumulation of new reserves of the Russian Federation is significantly felt when Ukrainian defenders fall in the city in the city.

"When you are trying to get out of the environment from one street, you are already waiting for at least a platoon of cartilage that start to pour on you, if lucky, you can slip, otherwise it is on a shield or captivity. Now the opponent controls about 85% of the city . "Mushnay" suggested that the defense of Ukrainian defenders in Selidovo would not be able to long.

The northern and eastern outskirts of the city of Selidovo, which in Donetsk region, is a "gray zone", in the settlement there are street battles. This was reported in a comment to the "Public" Pressoffer of the 15th Brigade of NSU "Kara-Dag" Vitaliy Milovodov. According to him, the enemy was preparing a bridgehead for the offensive on the city of Selidovo and bypassed to the north and south, expanding the flanks of the Armed Forces.

"In terms of being under the control of some part of the city, it is difficult to say at the moment. It will be more correct to say: the northern and eastern surroundings are in the" gray zone ". That is, the enemy tries to press the most from this direction and become fixed there, with further attempt to move deep into the city. Street. The fighting began from the first days when they were actively operating our armored groups, which are trying to clean and reflect these street fights.

- said the military. He noted that now the movement of hostile infantry groups is fixed around the clock. "That is," creeping tactics "at the expense of living force. As soon as they fall into some house, two or three servicemen sit there to the approach of another group or another group. Try to accumulate-two, five, ten servicemen-and and It is easier for them to resist, to cause fire control and move the city, "Milovodov said.

In the morning construction of the Armed Forces General Staff, on October 24, it was reported that in the Pokrovsky direction of defense forces stopped 38 assault and offensive actions of the Russian Federation in areas of settlements of Selidovo, Novotoretsk, Lisivka, Dry Beam, Ray, Dry Yar, Krutov Yar, Mirobivka. "The highest concentration of hostile attacks was near Selidovoy. The enemy was actively involved in the direction of bombing and assault aviation," the statement said.