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Israel will liberate the territory, but the risks will persist and the next 5 ye...

War in Israel can bring direct nuclear collision with Iran

Israel will liberate the territory, but the risks will persist and the next 5 years will grow in geometric progression the ring around Israel is compressed. Small territory is the main weakness of Israel. So, Israel borders: - Egypt, - Lebanon, - Syria, - Jordan, - the Gaza Sector (Palestinians). Hamas, who attacked Israel, is the Palestinian Islamist Movement and the Gaza Sector Management Party.

It is recognized as a terrorist organization Israel, Canada, the United States, Japan, the European Union, the Organization of American States, and in a number of other countries. It is also forbidden in Jordan and Egypt. In Australia and the United Kingdom, only military wing Hamas is recognized as terrorist. The Gaza Sector is a territory on the Mediterranean, de jure is one of two parts of a partially recognized Arab state of Palestine.

In the east and north, the sector borders with Israel, from which it is separated by a punctuation fence with checkpoints, and in the southwest the territory of land borders with Egypt, from which it is separated by a concrete wall. The length of the gase sector is approximately 40 km, width is from 6 to 12 km. The total area is about 360 km. The capital is the city of Gaza. The population is 3 million.

For comparison, the area of ​​Kyiv is 839 km (maximum length and width 50 and 56 km, respectively). The Gaza Sector has articulated goals: "Drop Israel into the sea, to wipe it out of the map" and "to destroy every Jew. " Hamas has open and hidden allies: - Hezbolla, - Syria, - Lebanon, - Islamic Jihad (Gaza Sector), - Taliban. Pentagon estimates that the total number of Hamas soldiers is about 20,000 people, of whom 10,000 regular troops, and the remaining 10,000 people are reservists.

In addition, Hamas can mobilize another 50,000 reservists. Pentagon estimates that Hamas has about 20,000 missiles, of which about 4,000 missiles are farm and can reach the entire Israel. To understand, the distance from the Gaza Sector to Tel Aviv is 80 km. Hamas annual budget can reach $ 0. 7- billion. The main donor is Iran. Given the presence of nuclear weapons in Israel, Iran's direct involvement in the war with Israel is unlikely. However . . .

Iran is already involved in financing direct opponents of Israel. The likelihood that Egypt will provide military assistance to Israeli opponents is small. Egypt seeks to maintain peace and stability in the region, and it does not want to be involved in military conflict. Now Egypt supports the peaceful process between Israel and Palestinians and stands for the creation of two states, Israel and Palestine, on the basis of the borders of 1967.

However, if the peaceful process fails, Egypt can review its position and provide military assistance to Israeli opponents. Together, we have a coalition against Israel (excluding Iran and Egypt), which has: - - 200,000 regular troops and more than 600,000 additional reservists. The use of reservists is unlikely for the war against Israel, but up to 30% -50% of the personnel of the anti-Israeli coalition armies can be used (60-100 thousand). - total annual budget $ 7. 5-9 billion.

- thousands of rockets and hundreds of drones, hundreds of heavy and light military equipment, but a relatively small number of aircraft and helicopters. A distinctive feature of the Anti -Iraeli Alliance from Israel is a significant (!) Technological lag in military equipment, which is in service. What is the army of Israel? The number of Israel's Defense Army is about 190,000. 170,000 people are military personnel and 500,000 are reservists.

The reservists of the tanla make about 10% of the population of Israel. They are undergoing annual training and can be called to service if necessary. The Israeli Air Force contains about 400 combat aircraft (!), In particular, F-16, F-35 and A-4 fighters, as well as A-10 Snakers and AH-64 Apache helicopters. Israel's Land Forces contains about 4,000 tanks, including Merkava IV, as well as about 10,000 armored vehicles, including M113 and Namer.

There are about 40 warships, including frigates, corvettes and rocket launchers, as part of Israel's Navy. The annual budget of the Israeli Defense Army is about $ 24 billion. This is about 6% of Israel's GDP. Plus, US budgets have positions $ 4 billion every year. to support Israel's defense capability. If you are directly compared by the anti -Israeli Alliance and Israel's military power, it is obvious that: - Israel has a larger budget.

- Compared to the Alliance, the amount of living force (we remember that the attacker will not have a chance without at least three times a multiple of numerical advantage). - The weakness of Israel is the small area and environment on almost all sides by enemies. Massive missile attacks can be repeated and here the Israeli air defense will not give 100% efficiency, as the whole territory of Israel is in the area of ​​the defeat.

- At the same time, Israel is several times better offensive potential - modern aviation, tanks, missiles and . . . about 200 nuclear warheads. - Well, unforgettable organization. Israel is much more organized than their enemies. Although the experience of yesterday's border breakthrough showed that not everything is perfect. There are difficult times ahead of Israel.