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Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Briefly about today. The first is a meeting on the ...

Prepared good, strong content of the military package of the Victory Plan - Presidential Appeal

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Briefly about today. The first is a meeting on the military filling of our Victory Plan for Ukraine. He worked with the military command together. A good, strong content for a military package is prepared - exactly what can significantly strengthen Ukraine according to the Victory Plan.   Second, he held a meeting on our F-16 fleet. Together with the Air Force command.

There is a clear understanding of steps on how to increase the number of combat aircraft in Ukraine and speed up our pilots training. All tasks for the Air Force of Ukraine, for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine are determined. Together with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, new strategies for the work of two government institutions-the Ministry of Community and Territories and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs-have been heard today.

The Kuleba and Minister Kalmykov, along with their teams, were reported by Viceremier. The strategies are ambitious, but the main thing is that people really feel the results of the work of ministries and the government as a whole. Energy and other key issues were discussed separately with Denis Shmigal. There were reports on the situation in Sumy and the region. After Russian blows, there is a shutdown. The city of Sumy, districts of the region. Repair crews are now working.

Created coordination headquarters. I thank everyone who is involved in renewable work: both energy, and regional authorities, and local authorities, to all employees of the SES. And one more. Today in Ukraine is the Day of the Rescuer. Day of all our people who work solely to save the lives of others. I thanked the whole staff of the SES of Ukraine today, everyone and everyone who helps. He also noted state awards.

And now I want to personally thank those rescuers who particularly distinguished myself right now. This is Yevgeny Khorunzhi - a rescuer from Kharkiv region, a sergeant, has been working at the SES for five years and has been constantly involved in eliminating the consequences of Russian blows. This is Alexander Agudov - a captain of the Civil Protection Service, for 13 years in the Rescue Service, Donetsk region. Volodymyr Morozov-master-stateant, Sumy region.

On the night, he participated in the elimination of the consequences of a Russian blow to Konotop and is always active in protecting people. Andriy Zhitkov-master-stateant, Donetsk region. Works in the most dangerous frontline areas, helps in evacuation of people, saves after strokes. Volodymyr Pikun-Master-Satent, Kherson. For 14 years in the SES, a really professional person. And the sappers of the SES of Ukraine is Oleg Filippov, this is Mykola Lintsov and Alexander Gumenchak. Effective guys.