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The spokesman of the Office Pletenchuk noted that the Russians conducted surgery...

Crew losses are serious: the Navy told details of destruction of Russian ship "Sergei Kotov" (video)

The spokesman of the Office Pletenchuk noted that the Russians conducted surgery, trying to save the sailors. The Russian helicopter should also be on board. The spokesman of the Naval Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk noted that after the defeat on the night of March 5, the Russian patrol ship "Sergei Kotov" by the Russians conducted a search and rescue operation. He told about it on the air of the TV channel "We - Ukraine". "Some crew members were accurately evacuated.

But given the fact that these events took place in the dark, the water temperature was quite low, as well as in view of the damage they received the ship, to say that most of the crew was saved - I cannot ", - Pletenchuk emphasized. He added that the Russian helicopter Ka-29 was to be on board. Currently, loss information is being clarified. "Of course, the enemy hides these losses, but this information is verified," the Navy spokesman said.

According to Pletenchuk, the patrol ship "Sergey Kotov" guarded the Kerch Strait and carried a combat duty on air defense. "This ship specifically protected our Kerch Strait, in our territorial waters. And, by the way, this plot of the sea is officially closed for judgment by Ukraine, which has the right to make warnings about it. That is, we warned last year that it is not necessary to go here" , - the representative of the Navy emphasized.

"Sergey Kotov" is a modular patrol ship of the project 22160. He is one of the latest ships in the Navy of the Russian Federation. He was launched in 2021 and became the fourth ship in this series. It has powerful radar systems and some SPRs on its weapon, which allows it to be used as a movable air defense or radar. This vessel protected more important vessels and objects, including the Crimean bridge.

Full drainage - 1800 tons, the crew consists of 28 people, the autonomy of swimming is up to 60 days. The cost of the ship is about $ 65 million. In July and August 2023, the invaders claimed attempts on attacks on the patrol ships "Sergei Kotov" and "Vasyli Bikov", but claimed that the attacks were repelled. The Sergey Kotov ship was attacked in September.

According to the Armed Forces Stratcom, on the morning of September 14, the forces of Ukraine's defense successfully attacked two patrol ships of the Russian Federation of the Russian Project 22160 in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, both vessels recorded damage. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that five sea drones tried to attack the ship in the Black Sea, but allegedly repelled the attack.

On September 18, the GUR said that Sergei Kotov had a damage to the screw and hole on the left side of 50 cm per 100 cm. already disabled. "One of them" Pavel Derzhavin "who received two damage from the Navy recently. Remember, near the Crimea? He also hit two mines we installed there. And even still unknown to the end in what state, but Not in the lightweight, it is for sure. That is, in fact, two of these ships of this project is no longer in order, "he added.

On the night of March 4 to March 5, the Special Forces of the GRU of Ukraine in cooperation with the Navy of the Armed Forces struck the Magura V5 sea drones patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation "Sergei Kotov". It happened in the territorial waters of Ukraine, near the Kerch Strait. According to the ship, the ship was damaged by feed, right and left sides. Intelligence representative Andriy Yusov added that the ship was destroyed.

There are dead and wounded, some of the crew have been able to evacuate, so accurate information is clarified. At least 10 fast were added to the land area. According to the Armed Forces General Staff as of March 5, 2024, during a full-scale invasion, Ukrainian troops destroyed 26 boats and ships, as well as the Rostov-on-Don Submarine. The most significant destroyed goal is Moscow missile cruiser, which was the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.