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The purchase of even a quality remedy will not protect the fighters from all Rus...

"90% does not work": The Armed Forces Commander revealed as sellers of Reb are fooling the military and what should be taken

The purchase of even a quality remedy will not protect the fighters from all Russian drones, but will increase the chances of survival. Unfair manufacturers supply complexes of poor quality components and do not check them before departure, says Alexander Karpyuk. Many Ukrainian military units require trenches of radio electronic control against Russian drones and buy handicraft production tools on the Internet, receiving many problems.

The commander of the driver's drones junior sergeant Alexander Karpyuk (Serge Marco) on the social network Facebook warned against careless purchases and advised how best to do to protect the positions from drones. The great need for the remedies has given rise to "garage production" in Ukraine, doubtful products sold on Facebook and other online sites.

The military claims that the vast majority of whom do not protect against Russian UAVs, which does not interfere with unscrupulous manufacturers to tell about the wonderful work of their products. "Unfortunately, it is 90% deception. And it doesn't work," Alexander Karpyuk said. Of course, there are small industries that create efficient devices and supply them to the Armed Forces.

For the most part, these are the means produced for a specific purpose and suppression of the frequencies at which the drones of Russian invaders work on a particular front area. There are few such companies and they are not trading on Facebook: production is entirely involved in the specific requests of units, which sometimes performs months due to lack of components. Oleksandr Karpyuk spoke about typical methods of work of unscrupulous producers of HR.

Sometimes they copy known, but also not the most effective, KVERTUS Ad Counter FPV and create replicas of poor quality components. Reb systems do not test on the real Russian FPV-puzzles with which they have to fight: "For the most part, they take the usual FPV at 915 frequency, which few even from ours on the front use, adjust so that the azimuth really collapses the control channel and then They demonstrate this as proof that it works, ”Alexander says.

Also, manufacturers from the Internet do not test the components for compliance with the stated characteristics and do not even have equipment for this purpose. Given that Chinese, even from one batch, have quite large differences in characteristics, differences, different products from such production will have different parameters. Oleksandr Karpyuk gives the Armed Forces fighters a detailed step -by -step instructions on how to determine the desired remedy of the HR and how to find it.

The radio electronic struggle unit adjusts the work of equipment, the task of which is to score a video channel of Russian drones. To do this, you need to detect drones, read the frequencies at which they work, and submit your signal to the hostile drone receiver - in the form of another video or white noise. In the case of coordination with fighters on the ground, the IEC, informs them about the approach of drones and the required frequencies.

How quickly the IEC unit triang the drone (determine the position), turn on the suppression of the signal, and prevent the fighters in the trenches about frequency depends on the success of striking drones. This is a complex work that in itself will not replace the purchased device. "If the state supplies a non -working Qu, or armor who kill their backs but do not protect the fighters, it is betrayal.

And if they made it somewhere in the garage and bought for a volunteer meeting, then respect for such people, see what good, a bunch of reposts," - Alexander Karpyuk sums up. The military notes that the process of protection with the help of HRB changes and requires appropriate changes in the equipment. Both sides change the frequencies of drones, so the existing protection device should sometimes be sent to manufacturers to make changes in order to be able to interfere at other frequencies.