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According to the CPD, the trend launched artificial accounts that complain of wa...

"Unbearable" Life in Ukraine: Tiktok launched a favorable Russian trend calling for emigration - CPD

According to the CPD, the trend launched artificial accounts that complain of war in Ukraine and shutdown of electricity. In these problems, users blame Russia, but Ukrainian authorities. Social networks, including Tiktok, are actively promoting a trend aimed at encouraging Ukrainians before traveling abroad. About it reports the Center for Combating Misinformation (CPD).

Tiktok has more and more videos, often borrowed from other social networks, with the signatures of "intolerance" of life in Ukraine through war and shutdown of light. These rollers push the boundaries of the country to think. According to the CPD, the trend launched artificial accounts to evoke specific emotions, get organic reviews and provoke the creation of new such videos.

In all these rollers, the fault for the problems is placed on the Ukrainian authorities, not the Russian Federation, which wages an aggressive war against Ukraine and destroys its energy infrastructure. Thus, the enemy tries to split within society, noted in the CPD. And added that Russia is not the first time using Tiktok social network to achieve strategic goals in the information war against Ukraine.