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In the area of ​​Avdiivka in Donbass, the fighting continued near a number of se...

In the Russian Federation, the capture of Novoselivka was stated: what changed in the Donbass (map)

In the area of ​​Avdiivka in Donbass, the fighting continued near a number of settlements. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the enemy showed the greatest activity in the Pokrovsky direction. The armed forces of the Russian Federation have advanced in the Avdiivka area of ​​Donetsk region. Analysts of the Institute of War Study in the daily report on July 21 have told more about it.

"The Russian forces recently advanced southwest of Avdiivka against the background of the continuation of Russian offensive operations west of Avdiivka on July 21," the statement said. According to geolocation of July 21, the invaders advanced northeast of Nevelsky. Russian troops noted that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allegedly advanced north of progress and south and up to 500 meters west of Lozuvatsky.

However, ISW analysts did not observe the visual confirmation of these statements. In addition, Russian Milblogists argued that the occupiers allegedly advanced in Vovche and seized Novoselivka the first, but one of the militarys stated that the forces of defense were already holding positions on the outskirts of Novoselivka of the first.

Analysts said that the fighting lasted near Kalinov, Vozdvizhenka, Lozuvatsky, Novo Alexandrovka, Progress, Novoselivka, the First, Umansky, Zasnobrodivka and Karlovka during July 20-21. The General Staff of the Armed Forces said that in the Pokrovsky direction the enemy showed the greatest activity on July 21.

From the beginning of the day, the enemy tried 27 times in Ukrainian defense in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvizhenko, Novoselivka First, Novo Aleksandrivka, Progress, Kalinovo and Uman. The Ukrainian military is taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the promotion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deep into the territory of Ukraine. We will remind, in the evening of July 21 analysts Deepstate told about the promotion of Russian military in the Donbass.