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According to military experts, the combat vehicle was destroyed near the village...

The Armed Forces for the first time destroyed the Russian "Motoliga" with the stored ship "fire"

According to military experts, the combat vehicle was destroyed near the village of Kozachi Lageri on the left bank of Kherson region. The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully destroyed the first Russian multi-purpose lightweight armored tractor (BT-LB) with the starting installations of the A-22 "Fire" complex for flamethrowing and ignition operations on ships. About it reports the Ukrainian portal "Military".

According to the source, the combat vehicle was destroyed near the village of Kozachi Lageri on the left bank of Kherson region. "Given the proximity of the settlement to the positions of the Ukrainian military, the means of defeat could be FPV-Dron or drone with the possibility of dumping ammunition. The burnt corps of the combat vehicle and the visual absence of fragmental damage can be confirmed," the statement said.

The A-22 "Ogon" complex is widely known since the USSR, a flamethrower of a fire and burning ship, which has a caliber of 140 mm and is intended for use on landing vessels with air cushion. The installation, which is denoted as MC-227, is equipped with uncontrollable missiles of the types of-45, ZH-45 or FSD-45. The main AF-45 ammunition is intended for lesions of legrowed equipment and infantry, its variant of the FDD-45 has a more powerful combat part and an increased range of lesions.

The range of fire-45 shells reaches 4500 meters, FDD-45-up to 9500 meters. The mass of the battle part in the first case is 5. 56 kilograms, in the second - 6 kilograms. There are also inflammatory shells of ZH-45, in their characteristics are close to the AF-45. In addition, the starting unit itself is two types, the first is MC-227, which is placed in a special niche, the second is MS-227P, which is stationary placed on the deck. The Russian MT-LB is most likely used MS-227P.

The installation contains 22 rockets, on ammunition ships is stored in special niches, in the case of MT-LB is most likely charged manually. We will remind, on September 20 it became known that in the Bakhmut direction fighters of the forces of special operations destroyed the MSTA-B gun with shells "Krasnopil". The enemy tried to mask the weapons, but as a result of the interaction of the SCO operators and the artillery of the defense forces, the target was eliminated.