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Very correct words were spoken at the peace summit, but the main thing now is to...

Seven of the most dangerous months for Ukraine and the event - how Putin uses them

Very correct words were spoken at the peace summit, but the main thing now is to confirm them. According to economist Yaroslav Romanchuk, for the West and Ukraine the most dangerous and responsible period from the beginning of the war begins, we may have the most dangerous seven months for Western civilization, for Ukraine, for freedom. Seven months, when the event is still very weak, disassembled and immersed in dialogues about calm.

Seven months, when there is an acute crisis of leadership in America and most European countries, a strong underestimation of the nature of the barbaric genocide regime of Putin and his explicit and implicit partners and allies. Seven months before the chance of rescue of the event and the existing international order. Seven months before a chance for new leadership in the United States. Seven months, when the existential threat of the event can materialize in various forms, parts of the world.

Putin does not hide his intentions and plans. Being at the head of the most destructive, toxic, anti-circulation network syndicate "FSB-OPG-GRU-MVS-SZR-ROC", he once again tries to realize the plan of his ideological predecessors and teachers (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler). Putin's plan is very simple - the destruction of the West as a civilization of freedom. The destruction of institutions of law - the reproduction of institutions of slavery, kingdom and totalitarianism.

The elimination of democracy is the triumph of totalitarian Vorocracy. The destruction of private property is the legalization of organized crime. The collapse of peaceful international cooperation is the establishment of a regime of total nomenclature-power discrimination. Demolition of the system of human rights and freedoms - coercion to the discipline and the rhythm of the concentration camp track.

Diversion against the culture of victories and achievements - immersion in the darkness of subordination of humility, human dignity of humiliation. The dismantling and funeral of the historical truth - the triumph of lies, fakes, legalized clown. Putin and the evil axis realize that their time is floating.

If a new leader appears in the United States, if Germany, France is shaken by a thick layer of 25-year-old shocked, making money with Russia, then we have a chance in 2025 to strike a deadly stroke in 2025. Only the complete, unconditional, unconditional surrender of Russia, only the white flag on the Kremlin, only the recognition of the defeat by Russia as the defeat of the Nazi Hitler's defeat in 1945 was the victory of Ukraine, the victory of the event.

The victory is not complete, because the axis of evil, even after Moscow's capture, did not fall apart, but only significantly weakened. The Peace Summit is completed. An important event for demonstrating the unity of the axis of good. An important event is to shake the world and remind you what is the Rashist Empire of Evil that it sees the world after its victory. However, we all understand well that declarations and sums are one thing, and specific cases are another.

In our case, specific cases are weapons, weapons and once again weapons. It is an active, large -scale involvement of NATO countries on the side of Ukraine. This declaration and implementation of the action plan for the sole purpose "Moscow must be destroyed. The Russian Empire must be dissolved. " The faster, the lower the price of peace. The faster, the higher chances of stopping destruction and tragedy around the world. Putin requires an easement.

Andriy Illarionov is said clearly, specifically and extremely accessible. Listen. Putin desires enslavement. Putin is ready to launch a global war. Putin is ready to throw tens of millions of people into the firebox. Putin is a historical heir to Hitler, who sees a single Europe under his boots, on the Knight of the Rashist totalitarian regime. Any attempts to coercive negotiations with the Putin regime-betrayal of Ukraine and Western civilization.

Any agreements with Russia on trade in goods/services, according to payment transactions-betrayal of Ukraine and Western civilization. Any excuses, references to internal political expediency not exacerbate relations with Russia, reference to some "red lines" is a betrayal of Ukraine and Western civilization.

Any decisions that impede the strengthening and armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which block the participation of the armies of NATO countries, is the betrayal of Ukraine and Western civilization. Today, those 80 countries that have signed the Declaration of the First Peace Summit should act on a well -known Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. That is, keep your word. Airplanes, planes, shells, drones, missiles and soldiers - all to win to put the flag of victory over the Kremlin.

In turn, the Ukrainian authorities should allow partners to participate in making decisions on allocation of money, the organization of economy, logistics and everything that is needed for victory. Any legal procedures, laws, rules and regulations that interfere with such partnership must be liquidated. War requires simple, fast and understandable procedures. If you need to appoint a number of positions of G7/EC-27, then be.

Imagine how confidence in Ukraine would increase if the National Bank was a representative of Switzerland, as a Defense Minister, a representative of the United States, and NABU would be headed by a representative of Denmark. Today, the pre -concentration of political, economic and information, law enforcement in Ukraine is the main man -made obstacle to our victory.