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According to Professor of Economics of Indiana Mikhail Alekseev, Russia is an ab...

The war in Ukraine will become a nail in the coffin of the Russian Empire Putin, an economist (video)

According to Professor of Economics of Indiana Mikhail Alekseev, Russia is an abnormal country, because it still has strong imperialist moods. And it harms everyone. Mikhail Alekseev, born in Moscow, professor of economics of Indiana University, in his recent interview said that the war in Ukraine could become a "nail in the coffin" of the Putin Empire. About it reports Kyiv Post.

He called the war "terrible", noting that Russia risks losing almost all its global influence, and Ukraine can gain some advantages in the "long term". For example, he cited countries such as Germany and Japan, which were completely destroyed by war, but later became prosperous. "The only positive aspect associated with this war is that it can finally kill a nail in the coffin of the idea of ​​the Russian Empire. Maybe it will eventually become a normal country," he said.

Alekseev also recalled the publication of more than 20 years ago, in which Russia was called a normal country with an average income. He disagreed with this characteristic. "Unfortunately, it was not true. She is an abnormal country," Alekseev said, noting that it is still pushed with imperialist moods that harms everyone.

It should be reminded that the recent NYT publication evaluated the prospects for peace talks between Kiev and Moscow, which in the near future are still unlikely, since both sides of the conflict expect to achieve great advantages for themselves. Earlier, Focus reported that the United States refused Ukraine from the offensive on the dangerous area of ​​the front.