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Russian President Vladimir Putin likes

In the style of "Ryazan sugar": the expert said that Putin can "give" on his 71st anniversary

Russian President Vladimir Putin likes "hard" gifts. On one day he received the death of the Russian opposition journalist Anna Politkovskaya, said military expert Alexei Melnyk. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin celebrates his birthday on October 7. The Center for Foreign Policy Programs, the Coordinator of the International Projects of the Razumkov Center, military expert Alexei Melnyk believes that the Russian leader's environment wants to congratulate him.

He reported this in an interview with OBOZREVATEL. He noted that on one of Putin's birthday, he was "given" the murder of a well -known Russian opposition journalist Anna Politkovskaya. "Obviously, something that can please the soul of this elderly maniac," said Alexei Melnyk. According to him, there should be a "rigid" gift - because these are the kind of Russian leader.

However, the expert is convinced that this will not increase the number of missile strikes in the cities of Ukraine or specific purposes. Well, Melnik's opinion, the likelihood of attack at the Zaporozhye NPP or other critical objects should not be excluded. In particular, it can be terrorist attacks in a kichebist manner.

"If you try to delve into the Kadebist conspiracy, they can really adjust it to the date of birth of Putin to use another argument that the Ukrainians had to do so to make their leader hurt," he explained. Alexei Melnyk added that there is a threat that the special services of the Russian Federation can schedule terrorist attacks in the style of "Ryazian sugar" for Putin's gift.

In particular, such terrorist attacks are possible because they play a role in the mobilization of the Russian population. They can also be aimed at influencing the event or justifying their own military crimes. A series of terrorist acts took place during September 4-16, 1999 in Russian cities Bushnaksk, Moscow, Volgorod. As a result, 307 people were killed, more than 1700 were injured.

According to one version, the FSB was organized to intimidate political competitors for the posts of President and Prime Minister in the North Caucasus, raising Putin and raising the population around security forces. Later, another official version and correspondence sentences of the courts of the Russian Federation appeared, according to which the terrorist attacks were organized by the heads of illegal armed formation of the Islamic Institute "Caucasus" Emir Al-Hattab and Abu Umar.

We will remind, on October 7, 2022 the People's Deputy from "European Solidarity" Alexei Goncharenko congratulated the Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday. He sang the song "L-LA-L-LA" from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada. On September 28, it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin began to make a decision on war against Ukraine more often.