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The ecologist, the military serviceman of the Armed Forces Timur Bedernichk, emp...

First drones, then Farions. Why should the army be in the first place even for a scandalous philologist

The ecologist, the military serviceman of the Armed Forces Timur Bedernichk, emphasizes the laws: the farther from the front line, the more people worry about a linguistic problem. In his opinion, the topic of language is important, but still not on time. We are less talking about the article of Zaluzhny, rarely go to pickets so that the money goes to drones, not stadiums, we will add less to the Armed Forces, but we are very worried about the fate of Farion.

I observe that even adults adequate people were actively involved in this discussion and the flywheel is only spinning. And to the remarks that you now need mines, drones and tablets - you hear that it is all good, but first you need to do Farion and language. I am deeply convinced that this is a wrong way. And below present my vision of this situation. In short, I think that language is important, but not on time. If a little wider, there is a minimum law of Liebih.

If it is even wider, we will now look at the points. First of all, why I generally decided that I have the right to express my mind about it. Because I was there, in particular in Bakhmut, because now I do not understand how much the worlds are here and here. In addition, I am a scientist and therefore I always look for how to explain some processes and phenomena. And in this particular case, in my opinion, the libing barrel will help us.

It is a well -known illustration that was said to be used by the prominent German chemist Justus von Liebih to visualize his law. The essence of visualization is very simple - the water level in the barrel, which is made of boards of different lengths, will correspond to the length of the shortest of them. In other words, the factor that is at the minimum and will be decisive. If the plants have enough water and nutrients, but there is no light - it will die due to lack of light.

This figure will be minimized. If there are enough nutrients and light, but there is not enough water - it will die from a lack of water. But these factors are different. The number of days that the plant will live without water and without light, is different. Also, one of these indicators cannot be compensated by the surplus of the other - how much light does not give the plant (though 10 times more), if there is no water - it will not survive. I think the logic is clear.

What it all means in our situation. People who are on the front and which in the rear have very different limiting factors. Very different factors that are critical for survival and stay in the conditional comfort zone. Moreover, it is not only 2 positions - the front and the rear. They are much larger, with a bunch of intermediate. The worst part is those who are storming or holding defense in 1 trenches.

These people have their own world, which people who do not have such experience can not even imagine. In particular, I cannot. A little better - those who keep defense in high -rise buildings. These people also have a different world. I know it from my own experience. It is a little easier in the headquarters of the mouth and battalions.

The world in people who are there - both from "trenches" and from "basement", but has a bunch of its features - delivery of dead and wounded, identification of bodies, work in the most toxic and aggressive groups and many different ones, as a civilian person Try not to think. There is a constant movement between these three "worlds" - people are changing, doctors take away the wounded, other military deliver charms, water and food (in such a sequence).

And from my experience of being in a battalion - talk about language, religion or sexual orientation in the conditions described above was not at all. Never. Such conversations begin when you are safe, when you have a few days of rest, when you have washed and not know how much dust from your lungs, when you no longer have fever and you will not finally stink like a homelessness. Before that, even my thoughts did not arise in me or my brothers.

A person who was not in such conditions - he cannot understand how other priorities are on 0. And she is convinced of her right, because he really says rational things that are relevant in normal conditions! Only crazy does not understand that a person must eat to live, right? Under normal conditions - yes. But when you hold the position and end the ammunition, the ammunition is more important than food. Because without food you will live the days, and without ammunition - hours.

The stupidity of saying that food is not important under such conditions. But it is correct to say that it is not in time. More important ammunition. The farther from the front, the more acute the question of language rises. Particularly active in the fortress of Lviv, but from my experience, I can say that even in a rather safe Sloviansk - this is worried at times fewer people, and in the estuary - several times less than in Slavyansk.

When you are in a cozy Lviv and think, to drink a flot-wight today on ordinary milk or lactose-it is very convenient to think about the importance of language, religion or sexual orientation among defenders at this level of comfort. Instead, when you are sitting in the basement of a high -rise building under fire and at best you are lucky enough to drink something hot - you think it is better to blame so that you do not even break out.

Because for this it is necessary to climb from the basement into one of the apartments, where the sewage has long been gone and a pile of hymn in the toilets reaches somewhere 30 cm above the rim, and somewhere 40 cm. And you think - maybe I will climb 2 floors above - there a bunch of hymn is much The smaller and only 5 cm protrudes, but there is a broken wall and a higher chance that will fly to you. This is one small example that allows you to see how different the worlds are there and here.

I did not want to touch or blame anyone, but to explain - that a normal person is not able to understand the extent of horror, devastation, inhuman conditions in which our defenders are fighting. Although I was in Bakhmut, I saw only some small part. Someone saw much more than me. But what I saw is enough to ask civilians as sincerely as possible - from . . .

please, please, from the military to 0! You are not even aware that you have experienced and experience these people! Do not teach them, please how to behave and what is more important to them and less important (in your opinion). There is another place for this - the rear, and there will be another time. You are in the rear - work with the rear. You want to teach the military by 0 - there is always glad to see new people.

Please help the front! It require drones-Kamikadze, tablets with "nettle", mines for mortars and many more. If you are in the rear - teach our Russian -speaking siblings of the Ukrainian language, help them integrate, do not laugh and do not make it possible. If I manage this text to reach up to 1 person - I did not waste time on writing it. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.