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According to Russian propagandists, in only one year of the Armed Forces of the ...

New goals for drones: Russians set up civilian production lines to restore BMP (photo)

According to Russian propagandists, in only one year of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they may have received from 600 new BMP-3, but military observers, including OSINT experts, are not observed such volume on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Experts from the Defense Express information and consulting agency shared the information that Russian propagandists have declared considerable potential of the Russian Security Service of Ukraine in the restoration of the BMP preserved and the production of new ones. Agency analysts are written on their own site on April 18.

However, Defense Express analysts have doubted the correlation of this information with reality, especially under the conditions of significant losses of the Russian Army at the Front of the Russian-Ukrainian War. First of all, experts have analyzed the statement of Russian propagandists on the rate of production of new machines of military equipment such as "50-60 cars per month" on "Kurganmashzavod", the only manufacturer of such equipment in Russia.

According to the military, the figures exceed even the BMP park that the Russian army had at the time of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine. That is, only one year of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may seem to receive from 600 new BMP-3, but observers, including OSINT experts, do not observe such volume on the battlefield in Ukraine.

In addition, it became known that this plant can get into the area of ​​large -scale flood, which has now covered the border with Kazakhstan regions of Russia, including the city of mound. At the same time, Defense Express analysts drew attention to a rather specific moment that took place in Russian propaganda information.

It is said that the rates of modernization and repair of BMP are constrained by existing production facilities, so Russians translate civilian technological lines, for example, for the oil industry, to the production line for combat equipment. Moreover, some of the so -called civilian enterprises have technological lines of dual -purpose, that is, projected for operational mobilization reconnaissance if necessary.

Thus, at the enterprise "Motovikhinskaya factories" to the needs of manufacturing guns 100-mm 2A70 to BMP-3 was promptly launched a production "civil" line, which until then produced technological equipment for oil production. According to experts, Russian propagandists in this matter took numbers from open sources, such as the X-account of the OSINT Analytics HighMarsed, which provides statistics of Russian military equipment stored on base in the Russian Federation.

Thus, its calculations for the beginning of 2022 certified on the bases of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the actual number of BMPs of different types of 5. 7 thousand, plus up to 1 thousand BMP - at the sites of armored repair plants (BTRZ) of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. As an illustration, statistics on the 560th APC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can be cited here. For 2022, they planned to release 60 renovated BMPs, in 2024-160.

In addition to this enterprise and mentioned "Kurganmashzavod", the listed below, which are actually legitimate purposes for Ukrainian drones, were involved in the restoration and modernization of the BMP for the Russian Army: however By the summer of 2023, the number of military equipment on the bases of the Russian army decreased by 1000 cars, but the rates of recovery are considered insufficient, given the losses on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

However, according to the Russians themselves, the production capabilities are growing too slowly. Focus wrote on April 18 that, according to the American intelligence, the visit of the Iranian delegation to Russia could contribute to the conclusion of agreements by which Iran would receive Russian SPRC and Su-35 fighters, and the Russian Federation-rockets of the class "Earth-Earth".