Most of the discussions around this rocket concerned the ability to equip it with a nuclear warhead, but the conventional capabilities of weapons could also put the Alliance in confusion. This is stated in Foreign Policy.
According to the publication, in the case of a potential conflict, the mass use of "Osshnik" on NATO strategic sites, in particular on air tabies, management points and missile bases, will cause a lot of problems to Western allies without equipping missiles with nuclear warheads. The observers noted that during the war in Ukraine the effectiveness of Russian blows was insufficient: missiles that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not produce the expected result.
"Russian rockets, equipped with unitary ordinary warheads, have not been able to disable key Ukrainian aircraft and other objects because of a combination of low accuracy and successful Ukrainian air defense. " Oreshnik "helps to solve this problem," the material reads. According to the analysis of video recordings and satellite images, the rocket is able to carry up to 6 warheads, each of which contains 6 subbovitas.
Thus, one rocket releases up to 36 combat elements, which significantly increases the likelihood of successful damage to the goals. Currently, NATO missile defense systems do not have reliable means for intercepting "Osshnik". Most modern complexes, including Patriot, are unable to respond effectively to high -speed ballistic missiles. Only Arrow 3 and SM-3 Block IIA systems have a theoretical potential for intercepting, but their reserves are limited.
In this regard, NATO should already consider reducing the vulnerability of its aircraft. One possible solution is the dispersion of aviation at smaller objects, the use of highways as temporary runways and the development of mobile repair crews. However, such a strategy requires significant financial investments and revision of logistics chains. Earlier it was reported that at least two US systems can potentially resist the Russian Ballistic Rocket "Orezhnik".
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