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The element destroyed the detachments in which the Russians kept their military ...

A 100-year-old storm helped to escape Russian Dolphin's combat: whether they are able to survive

The element destroyed the detachments in which the Russians kept their military dolphins in the Sevastopol Bay in the occupied Crimea. Earlier this week, the hurricane struck the Black Sea and caused damage to the coast: the element raised with such force that this storm was called the strongest in the last 100 years. It is known that the centennial storm was severely affected by the Sevastopol bay in the occupied Crimea, where the Russian Navy held its military dolphins, IFLSCIENCE.

This information was revealed by the journalist and the Hi Sutton OSINT analyst when he studied recent satellite images. According to him, it is difficult to say now whether the animals are still in their detachments, whether they were able to take advantage of the chance and leaving the detachments. According to Satton, preliminary analysis shows that detins for dolphins in Sevastopol harbor disappeared 100% due to a 100-year-old storm that collapsed on the peninsula. In focus.

Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! It should be noted that scientists and naval forces of many countries have long suspected that the Russian Navy has been using combat dolphins to protect in the Black Sea. According to satellite images, two dolphins will be installed at the entrance to the Sevastopol Harbor at the beginning of February 2022.

Analysts suggest that Russians use dolphins to protect Russian warships that can be disabled underwater forces. Russia is not the only one who uses dolphins for water protection. Many naval forces also use trained dolphins and whales to accomplish certain tasks, for example: by the way, it is known that in addition to dolphins, the Russian fleet also used Belukh for its purposes. For example, in 2019, in the waters of Norway, they noticed a white man, which was suspected of espionage.