This was reported in the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. "People's intelligence works, and Evorog confirms it. In 2. 5 years, Ukrainians have used a chatboot over 628 thousand times. Each of your application has the same value for defense forces as reconnaissance, UAV or satellite images," the statement reads. The department said that Ukrainians in occupation actively cooperate with Ukraine.
For example, the military was recently asked to find the HPS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and soon a resident of the Zaporizhzhya region reported where to look for the said system of the IIT. The next day it was destroyed. Chatbot already has its records. Yes, one Ukrainian sent 347 applications to Chatbot for 2. 5 years.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation reminded that Ukrainians take care of their own safety in the occupation and after sending all photos, videos and correspondence from the phone, the removed folder and the messenger cache. "Bold Ukrainians, thank you that you help the Ukrainian military fight the invaders and turn their equipment into scrap. We continue the struggle," - say in the department. Recall that the Ministorifra says that Evorog is one important elements of combating the Russians.
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