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The South Korean system is able to burn enemy drones of the directional energy i...

"Starwars Project": South Korea unfolds laser weapons against UAV

The South Korean system is able to burn enemy drones of the directional energy in 10-20 seconds. It costs one such shot less than $ 2. South Korea in 2024 will deploy a laser weapon, also known as weapons of directional energy, to fight North Korea drones within the Starwars Project. About it writes the information agency Reuters. The laser system is developed by the South Korean military together with Hanwha Aerospace.

According to the Administration of the Defense Procurement Program (DAPA) of South Korea, the weapon knocks UAV, burning engines or other electrical equipment for 10-20 seconds. One shot costs only 2000 Won ($ 1. 45). "Our country becomes the first in the world to place and applies laser weapons, and the possibilities of response of our military to the provocation of North Korea with the use of drones will be even more strengthened," - said DAPA representative.

According to the publication, in December, five drones invaded the territory of South Korea with the DPRK. Then Seoul lifted fighters and shock helicopters into the air for intercepting them. It was the first such invasion since 2017. According to the US Analytical Center, Rand Corporation, in addition to South Korea, China and the United Kingdom seek and deploy laser weapons in their country.

Analysts noted that lasers are considered as weapons against UAV, rockets, as well as for satellites in orbit. We will remind, the Ministry of Defense of Japan has announced plans for testing laser systems for counteraction to unmanned aerial vehicles. To check their capabilities, the system will be installed on vehicles of land defense forces, including high -mobile machines.