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Legion communications adviser Alexei Baranovsky noted that today the fighters co...

"Baptism of Fire": In the Legion "Freedom of Russia" told about a raid in Belgorod region (video)

Legion communications adviser Alexei Baranovsky noted that today the fighters completed all the combat tasks. New warriors are constantly being added to the Legion's ranks and they need to gain combat experience. Freedom of Russia's Legion Communications Advisor Alexei Baranovsky explained the purpose of the operation that the soldiers conducted today in the Belgorod region.

He noted that the global goal of such raids is to delay the reserves of the Russian army, tactical goals - the destruction of the enemy's living power and technique. He told about it on September 28 on the air "Radio Liberty". When asked by the journalist why the Legion of Russia went to Belgorod today, Alexei Baranovsky replied: "Why not go to Belgorod, if there is such an opportunity? We will constantly monitor the situation on the borders, in the border areas.

It is not only Belgorod region, but but Both Kursk and Bryansk. He noted that new fighters are constantly being added to the ranks of the Legion and they need to gain combat experience, this is one of the goals of such raids. "But first of all, it is to" shoot "young people, the so -called" baptism of fire ", because a monthly basis is added to the legion, as well as to panic to command (the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Ed.

) We distract them, including from the Ukrainian directions, "Baranovsky explained. The legion advisor also noted that the fortifications of Russians and mine fields in the borderline are "show". They are easy to overcome. On September 28, volunteers from the Legion "Freedom of Russia" stated that they completed combat missions in the Belgorod region and returned. It is claimed that there are no wounded and dead as a result of the combat operation.

The assault group spent about a day in the Belgorod region of Russia and completed the task. According to journalists, this is not the first event of a legion in the territory of the Russian Federation. The latest reports of fighting in the Belgorod region were received in June. Then the Russian media wrote about the so -called tank attack. It was also reported that the Legion of "Freedom of Russia" told about plans on the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.