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The Russians believe that massive attacks on the infrastructure of our country w...

Think "logically": will the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation last year's "Record of December" - 236 missiles per month

The Russians believe that massive attacks on the infrastructure of our country will make the Ukrainians "shake their government and demand to sit with them at the negotiation table. " The Russian Federation has accumulated more than 800 accurate missiles, including "calibers", "Iskanders" and more. Their enemy will be used for attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure. However, it is not yet known whether the enemy will repeat his "record" in 2022, launching the largest number of missiles at a time.

This was reported by a military expert, a reserve colonel Petro Chernik interview for OBOZ. UA, according to him, fighting is ongoing along the line of demarcation, but the occupiers are not going to beat the trenches with winged missiles, the cost of which is $ 16 million. The expert stressed that this type of managed missiles is created to strike long distances on objects that are "preschool for the whole state, not just for the war zone.

" According to the expert, there is no "the slightest doubt" that the occupiers attack the objects of energy infrastructure of Ukraine. Chernik is convinced that such strikes are quite predictable, taking into account the "elementary simple psychology of the terrorist. " "The Russians think very simply and logically. If Ukrainians cannot be forced to return to them, back to Russia, then it is necessary to destroy," says the reserve colonel.

The expert emphasized that it is not known whether the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be repeated last year's "December" - 236 missiles per month, or the first day of a large -scale invasion, when 120 missiles were issued by the occupiers. "In winter, it is best to destroy the infrastructure for Ukrainians to freeze, suffer from cold, etc. ," Chernik said.

The reserve colonel added that according to the Russians, massive attacks on the infrastructure of our country will make Ukrainians "shake their government and demand to sit with them at the negotiating table. " We will remind, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with foreign media on November 17 reported that the Russian Federation is preparing for shelling of energy objects of Ukraine in winter. But probably the attacks will not be as large as last year.

The President believes that our country is better prepared for possible Russian blows than in 2022. In addition, on the same day, a spokeswoman for the southern Ukraine defense forces Natalia Humeniuk stated that the Russian Federation increases the degree before possible firing of energy. According to her, activity at the enemy strategic aviation aerodromes is now being monitored. Now in the Black Sea, the grouping of warships is small.

However, the Russians brought to the Fragat of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. These are eight caliber missiles that are ready for use. We will remind, since the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine the Black Sea fleet lost seven ships and one submarine. In addition, on November 3, Zelensky told about the response to the shelling of the Russian Federation.