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The beer party seems to be created by those who like to have fun. But blogger Yu...

The beer party is torn to power. As love lovers are shaking Putin's lovers

The beer party seems to be created by those who like to have fun. But blogger Yuri Bogdanov talks about her Austrian version - there a political force with this name systematically fights Putin's lovers. Let's go back to the current analytics, I will tell you about the next example of a successful counterpart of the populist project, only now a little with cautious positive. Now from Austria. Where strong positions are in isolation and pro -Russian far -right.

The Austrian beer party (yes-yes-yes) has overcome the rating bar in 10%, now has 12 to 14% and would take 3-4 place in the Federal Elections. Party leader-Dominic, musician, punk roker, doctor by education with a doctor's diploma. It appears in politics and on stage under the pseudonym Marco South. Although the party was founded in 2014, its first relatively successful elections took place in 2020, in the midst of coronavirus. The party scored 1.

8% in the elections to the Vienna Council and did not go to the local council of the Austrian capital. But she was able to gain enough votes to obtain a representation in 11 municipal districts of the capital. In 2022, the party leader took 3rd place in the presidential election of 8. 31% of the vote, and more than 300,000 Austrians voted for him. What is there on the program? The program is thorough: now a little more serious.

Which of the fundamental leads to current 12% of popularity? Well, a small business of the party promotes. Under the time of coronavirus, the first jump in popularity was due to a very rational requirement to support small businesses and cultural institutions. That they can survive the pandemic. In addition, the party acts as a lobbyist for beer manufacturers (logically) and small businesses in the restaurant and hotel sectors as a whole. For example, defends the ban on restaurants and bars.

In short, real policy is also enough. To Austria, a party with a similar name existed in Norway, Poland, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. The most successful was the Polish beer party, which took 16 seats in the Seimas in 1991. But, of course, they were all about another. In short, what I will tell you. The world is changing rapidly. And politics - too. We are waiting for a very interesting 21st century. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.