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Increasingly, non-modeling T-62 and T-55 are used on the Front of the Armed Forc...

They go to Va-Bank with the offensive: why in the Russian Federation there is more outdated tanks on the battlefield

Increasingly, non-modeling T-62 and T-55 are used on the Front of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and if it was only 2-3 lines before, now they are storming. Even huge Soviet reserves can be exhausted at the enemy's loss, journalists believe. Russia began to use old T-62 and T-55 tanks on the battlefield at the end of 2022 and in the summer of 2023, respectively. If they were used in 2-3 lines at the beginning, now the occupiers are stormed.

Defense Express explained why the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. During the offensive in the Avdeevsky direction, Russian troops began to storm unmodernized T-62 tanks, and later in the robot direction, the T-55 was lit, which received only "barbecues", which did not help from Ukrainian drones. Earlier, the Russian Federation added to the old tanks at least dynamic protection "Contact-1".

The increase in the number of T-62 and T-55 on the field in the publication is called the obvious sign that they suffer high losses in tanks, as well as the inability of Russia to produce enough machines from production enterprises to replenish losses. Also, the enemy gradually exhausted warehouses of armored vehicles. There are similar problems with BMP, because the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are increasingly used by MT-LB tractors as infantry fighting vehicles.

The Soviet Union tiled thousands of tanks, but not so many equipment remained in storage. The open question remains how many of the cars are to be restored, and how many of them go to donation of spare parts. The authors provide data from the Military Vishchun, which as of August 2023 calculated 219 T-55 on storage, of which about a hundred have already been removed from storage. T-62 tanks in the Russian Federation are more, about 800 per storage and another 600 were restored.

The enemy can restore and upgrade about 20 T-62 per month. Probably because of the low rates of modernization of the Russian Federation and began to throw them in battle without completion. Another OSINT Analysis High_Marsed analyzed the T-80U tanks and T-80ud tanks that were armed with the 4 tank division. There are only a few dozen T-80Us in the Russian Federation, which may be unusable for return.

The 4 Tank Division had great losses during a full-scale war, so T-80Us are very rare in casualties. The T-80UD in the Russian Federation is up to 170 units, but they can only be released for spare parts. The 6td diesel engine is Kharkiv development, so the occupiers do not have a stock to restore such machines. Therefore, the 1 tank army uses T-80BV. There are more in Russia, but the scale of losses can still be raised to a situation where the USSR reserves are exhausted in the Russian Federation.

As a result, the authors believe that Vladimir Putin goes to Va-Bank to capture as much Ukrainian territory as much as possible. However, the cost of such a desire can be a significant reduction in the offensive opportunities in a few months. We will remind, on February 23 the guerrillas of Atesh recorded a batch of tanks of the T-62 near the railway station in a temporarily occupied Evpatoria.