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According to analysts, from the messages the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Fore...

The goals have not changed: the Russian Federation does not plan to conduct "serious negotiations" with Ukraine - ISW

According to analysts, from the messages the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova becomes clear, the main requirement of the Kremlin remains the same-the complete political surrender of Ukraine and the approval of Kiev military and territorial requirements of the aggressor country. The Russian Federation does not intend to conduct "serious negotiations" with Kiev.

Any negotiations under their conditions are equivalent to "complete surrender" of Ukraine and the West. This was stated by analysts of the American Institute for War Study (ISW). Experts explored reports that were in an interview with a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova for AFP on December 9. It becomes clear from Zakharova's messages that Russia's maximalist goals in Ukraine have not changed.

The main requirement of the Kremlin remains the same-the complete political surrender of Ukraine and the approval of Kiev military and territorial requirements of the aggressor country. She stated that "a comprehensive, stable and fair resolution of the issue" in Ukraine can only happen if the event stops "pumping up the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a weapon", and if Ukraine passes Ukrainian territories declared by Russia.

"The demand of Zakharova is that Ukraine removes its troops from the" territory of Russia "as a necessary prerequisite for the solution of war, indicates that the Maximalist goals of the Russian Federation include control over all four regions, parts of which it illegally annexed," the statement said.

In addition, Zakharova repeated the Kremlin's old statement that Russia has invaded Ukraine for "demilitarization", "denacification" and "ensuring the rights of Russian -speaking citizens" in Ukraine. Earlier, Pentagon Pentagon, John Kirby, reported that the White House is convinced that Ukraine has to make a decision on possible negotiations with Russia without pressure from the United States.