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After the paramedic Kateryna Polishchuk complained to the command of the 59th OM...

The 59th OMB scandal: how to improve command efficiency and why this problem is common to the army

After the paramedic Kateryna Polishchuk complained to the command of the 59th OMB, the head of the Armed Forces Chief Commander initiated the check. Experts say that social networks are perhaps the only way to pay attention to the incompetence of commanders, since other methods do not work. Focus found out whether it was worth complaining to the army leadership during the war and how to solve the problem.

Paramedic Catherine "Bird" Polishchuk complained about the actions of the commander of the 59th separate infantry brigade named after Yakov Gandziuk Bohdan Shevchuk, who, in her opinion, led to losses on the front.

The volunteer believes that the commander gave "criminal orders", and his "conscious negligence and neglect of the life and health of personnel", as well as the elimination of all "disagreeable" commanders, oppression of the morale and humiliation of the personnel led to tragic consequences.

"Due to the inhuman and unprofessional attitude of Shevchuk, I have to stop cooperation with this famous brigade, but not everyone has the opportunity to resist criminal orders aimed only at obtaining additional stars by this person," she said. At the same time, the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" confirmed the words "birds". As an example, he made the decision of the Kombrig to translate almost all the top of the intelligence of the brigade.

As a result, intelligence chairman, the head of the artillery of one of the battalions, the chief sergeant of the intelligence company was killed and the commander of another company was injured. At the same time, the officer of the 59th OMB Sergey Teshotsky disagrees with the words "birds" and "Alex". He stated that Paramedic Polishchuk did not serve in the brigade, but cooperated with her as a volunteer, and therefore could not evaluate the commander's work.

According to the military, the brigade holds intense defense for months, practically not passing. But to say that one commander is good and the other is bad, "you need to have any reason. " Teshotsky noted that if he witnessed the "bird", he would respond because he has the right, knowledge and experience. However, according to the officer, their commander, despite his young age, is "climbing from the leather" to do something.

"He is in motion all the time, does not sit in the headquarters simply, he rides in the units there and so on. It is really painful, beats in the moral spirit, and in general it is impossible to bring it to the public," Teshotsky said. However, after the public publicity of the problems of the 59th OMB, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Sirsky sent a working group headed there with the head of the Military Law Enforcement Service of the Armed Forces.

The check should find out the circumstances of recent losses among personnel. There is practically no information about Lieutenant Colonel Bohdan Shevchuk, commander of the 59th OMBR. It is known that he is "young", "energetic", and that in addition to the "bird", his competence was paid attention to military journalist Yuri Butusov.

Thus, in early July he stated that the Armed Forces could "lose" Krasnogorivka in Donetsk region, since Shevchuk, whose brigade is in this direction, allegedly did not cope with his responsibilities. "I am not familiar with Bohdan Shevchuk, but I am well acquainted with the 59th Brigade and Fighters, and the commanders who are fighting in Krasnogorivka, who give feedback to the decision of Kombrig Shevchuk.

This is a young energetic person whose level of management is in charge of the commander's position The mouths, perhaps, I think it is not a problem and the fault of Shevchuk, that in our army, executives are often assigned to high positions of "comfortable" officers who have learned to report well, but have not managed to acquire appropriate team experience and competence. which are forced to comply with ill -advised orders, "Butus said.

However, according to the Exnaner, the military serviceman of the Armed Forces Igor Lutsenko, the problem of the competence of the commanders is common to the entire army, and the 59th OMRBR is not the first and not the only one who faced similar difficulties. "I think the time we are trying to silence all about the army. The problems that were relevant two years ago are accumulated and we need to talk about them openly. Especially about the competence of commanders.

This problem is common to the entire army, so What a full -scale war is thousands of vacancies, due to the increase in the military structure at times. Conversation with focus Lutsenko. The expert adds that the army system is built so that only the upper commander can evaluate the lower level commander. There are no other protection mechanisms. Therefore, social networks are the only platform where the military can at their own risk of talking about the incompetence of command.

"We need civil control over the army so that the military structure does not turn into a Soviet closed caste of management, where the leadership says:" I am 10 years in the army and you are who is such ". Now this principle is, but in civilized countries have long come up They just need to borrow with it, "the expert continues. For example, according to Lutsenko, NATO armies have sociological methods for assessing the efficiency of commanders.

"Everyone with whom the commander interacts can give feedback. For this purpose, the social service can come and anonymously interview soldiers. NATO has worked out anonymous sociology techniques so that no one is afraid to express their opinion, and then, based on sociology, can be made decisions ", - the expert says. Military justice could improve the quality of management in the army.

If the soldiers are given rusty cartridges, causing people to complain, they can only complain to the commander who gives orders to those who have issued cartridges. Such vertical, according to Lutsenko, is ineffective. "We need a military justice that will not be a unit of the army as a military law enforcement service (VSP). A structure with powers is required for violations of the law really investigated, and investigators can enter the territory of military units.

Because now, even if DBR wants to investigate such Cases, and in 90% of cases they ignore such statements, they may not be allowed into part, " - continues Lutsenko. It is known that in the summer in parliament decided to transform the VSP into military police, but with truncated powers.

According to the focus a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement, People's Deputy Alexander Bakumov, this structure will not be able to conduct pre -trial investigation on its own, since they have no competent state. "Given the lack of personnel, they will not be able to do it effectively. We partially provide such an opportunity - we introduce employees into the investigators.

When military police will have a staff that will be able to effectively engage in pre -trial investigation, we will give them such an opportunity," Said Focus Bakumov. Lutsenko believes that such a method can hardly change the approach to investigating incompetent decisions, which generally affects the effective selection of commanders. Focus earlier told why the generals of the old temper were accused of inability to solve problems in the army.