Він розповів поліції, що безхатько та "учасник свого", тобто війни в Україні. Чоловік пояснив, що приїхав у столицю РФ на два тижні, у відпустку. However, it turned out that Chiculin was wanted for fraud. In the middle of zero, he was a vice -resident of the Eurasbank and the elder of the temple in Belyaev.
Then the man became interested in financial pyramids and in the early 10's became the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC "Sali Rus"-one of the largest Russian pyramids. The pyramid audience was mostly pensioners, from which they were extracted for the construction of a plant for stone salt. Кошти збирали, а роботи насправді ніякі не проводили.
According to various estimates, the profit "Salt of Russia" reached from hundreds of millions to several billion rubles. There were several cases against Chicamin, and in March 2021 they were sentenced to 7 years in prison. The billionaire did not admit and assured that he was a victim of crime. Однак, ймовірно, він підписав контракт з Міноборони РФ та став "учасником СВО". This allowed the fraudster to get out of the lattice earlier.
However, in March, a new case was opened against him, so they were detained during a vacation. Lenta. ru explained on December 11 that the case, which was convicted of Chiculin, was not related to the Pyramid of Rus. The man was punished for fraud in a particularly large size. The investigation found that he was a participant of the group, which in 2013-2015 was engaged in theft of the funds of the Bank "Transport", which burst. The money was withdrawn using false documents.
Fraudsters were issued loans to fictitious companies and individuals, unable to repay debts. Chiculin himself brought more than 20 acquaintances to this scheme, who, according to the prosecution, were victims of deception. We will remind, on December 9 it became known that in the Russian Federation the bear torn the worker of a golden mining company. The beast pulled the victim into the ravine, leaving traces of blood and draining on the road. The husband did not have time.
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