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Employees of important strategic objects can be taken into the army: businesses ...

Armor for the selected. Why MIC, doctors, rescuers and agrarians are mobilized to the Armed Forces

Employees of important strategic objects can be taken into the army: businesses often do not submit lists for reservations in time, and officials agree on their months. The problems with the booking confirmed the scandal with the crews of doctors in Odessa. Focus spoke with lawyers, business representatives and strategic organizations and found out what a rigid recruitment policy would lead to the Armed Forces.

The mechanism of reservation of employees of strategically important enterprises and institutions for Ukraine is accompanied by many nuances: ministries' officials agree the necessary certificates for a long time, and the organizations themselves are not submitting them. This increases the risk of mobilization of valuable personnel. If the bureaucratic procedures are not passed by the time of call, with a high probability, a person will receive a combat summons.

The Verkhovna Rada was promised to quickly amend the legislation so that booked can work quietly, but the problem remains in the suspended state. Representatives of the authorities demand from employers to perform all the procedures of reservation of employees. Only then will the military committees not be able to mobilize them, otherwise they will violate the legislation.

Lawyers noted that the process of confirmation of the armor is incredibly long: a statement from the Ministry of Social Policy, agreed from the Ministry of Defense, which confirms the fact of work at a critically important enterprise.

According to Rostislav Kravts, the senior partner of the Bar of Kravets and partners, the booking procedure in Ukraine is hardly working, despite the continuation of the Cabinet of Ministers for three months of delay from mobilization for those who received the reservation. "Responsible for bookings do not want to fulfill their obligations normally, threatening the national economy. The corruption factor cannot be excluded," the lawyer said.

SBU time to find all those responsible for military registration and mobilization, and to hold everyone accountable for state betrayal, says the lawyer "Departure to the army of employees of strategically important spheres - is a direct diversion against the state. . The military enlistment offices have updated data and results of the medical commission of workers of important industries. They can be sent to the military units immediately, and they will not return to the enterprises, he notes.

The case of July 11 in Odessa showed how booked doctors had to take the situation in their own hands and defend their rights. The conflict between the CCC staff and the ambulance doctors grew into a mass fight. In social networks, they wrote that in the morning the ambulance driver came to update the data in the shopping center in the Kiev district, but the military committee did not release it from the building. The man had pressure, he became bad and he called an ambulance.

The brigade, which came, was released into the TCC building, but did not release. The departure of strategically important areas to the army is a direct sabotage against the state to help colleagues, other fast brigades came, near the building of the Tax Code, a fight with people in military uniform and unknown civilians. The Odessa Regional Criminal Code says the mobile alert group checked military accounting documents. One of the citizens did not provide them and was detained.

An hour later, a "group of people in medical clothes" arrived in the Kiev RTC. At the request of the CCC employees, they did not provide documents that prove their belonging to the health care system. After the showdown, a representative of the substation service # 4 serving the Kiev and Malinovsky districts of Odessa warned that the city could soon be left without an ambulance. None of their employees have armor from mobilization, and drivers are massively released.

The mobilization of reserved occurs not only in the medical field. The summons are obtained uncontrollably by those who work in defense plants and critical enterprises for the functioning of the country. "This happens: the directors receive orders according to which they have to submit booked lists. All employees are registered in the Tax Code. They then distribute the summary of the medical commission, and they choose the military committees who to pick up at once and to whom they were delayed.

We were sent to the landfill. A person of a fairly high position, close to the director, " - says the interlocutor of the focus from the defense plant in Kiev. It is time to find all those responsible for military registration and mobilization, and to hold everyone accountable for treason with another demonstrative example - "hidden" contracts with military units.

The employee of the State Enterprise of Aviation Industry "Antonov", younger than 30 years, had a reservation since the beginning of a full -scale Russian invasion. After the beginning of the law on strengthening of mobilization, he was presented with a summons to the CCC at the place of residence.

The military committee took into account his place of work, but gave to sign a document in which small text was written as follows: "After six months I undertake to join one of the Battalions of the Armed Forces. " "Of course, despite signed the paper, because he was sure of his armor. He came home, and in a few days he was called to appear in the shopping center with things.

He went there with the lawyer of Antonov, but in the Tax Code explained: The paper has already been signed and the plant did not give new lists for reservation, " - said informed sources focus. The plant is currently undergoing a medical commission on service. It should be emphasized that according to the legislation of Ukraine, the enterprises and institutions of the defense sector should submit the lists for whom they produce the products.

You need to add information to the lists why you need a reservation of a particular employee. Critically important enterprises and organizations should submit lists of reserved employees to the central executive body, which controls the policy in the relevant field or to the regional military administration. It is necessary to write the date and number of the decision on recognition of the enterprise critically important.

These categories of enterprises should be added to the lists of employees confirmation of compliance with the conscripts. Medium business representatives complain of the actual lack of mechanisms for booking and destroying the business by the CCC staff. Forced mobilization of drivers will soon stop the field of logistics, say the focus representatives of profile companies. According to them, reservation is only possible "in black" - for connections and for money.

Agrarians complain about the inability to book employees normally. A large agricultural enterprise, in the assets of which thousands of hectares of land, have recently been obliged to submit documents for booking. One of the agronomists, who stood on the military account since 2022, decided to update the data after the entry into force of the Law on Mobilization, but received a summary at the CCC immediately. "He was told to pass at the company, because he would still do a reservation.

He did so, signed everything for a day - on Wednesday, and on Friday he had to go through a therapist. As a result, he and other employees were handed over the same day to combat alert - with ' To appear on July 15, at 8:00 pm with things and go to the training center, " - describes what is happening, a relative of one of the military. At the same time, the military did not worry that the employee of the firm was responsible for all reserves of agrochemistry, machine and special documentation.

"From above, they were told [to the training center] of the employees of this firm: among the authorities, someone conflicts with the owner. They were delayed by July 15, with armor the firm is trying to decide, but there is no result. She says. It is not easy to book themselves from service in the Armed Forces of police and rescuers. According to the Cabinet resolution of June 5, it is possible to leave no more than half of the staff of the State Emergency Service (SES) and the National Police.

In such harsh conditions, the bosses force ordinary police officers to pull the lot on the reservation, the lawyers said focus. To serve inconvenient or disagreeable employees. In each unit, a meeting was held at which the management brought to the personnel information about the release of 10%. The Odessa Dumskaya edition writes that three weeks ago the police and SESS were obliged to re-pass the Military Medical Commission.

It is likely that everyone is recognized as suitable for service, will not be delivered on the special building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but on the military. In personal cases, after passing the VLK for an unknown reason, they do not mark the booking, the questions are resolved in each individual unit individually - based on the wishes of the authorities, journalists say. "To serve as a part of 10% inconvenient or dishonest employees.

In each unit, a meeting was held at which the authorities brought to the personnel information about the release of 10%," - shares the details of Odessa police officer Oleg A. Other police officer talks about the unwillingness of employees to go to Army for various reasons: because of family circumstances and banal fear of perish. As a result, the superiors suggested to pull the lot, although the highest law enforcement officers did not participate in the draw.

Almost all units did not want to take risks, so the idea was unsuccessful. "Let's take the average police department - these are about 400 employees. We immediately minute 200 women - they are not needed at the front in combat units. Ten percent of the remaining 200 men - 20 people," the police officer calculated. As a rule, the called law enforcement officers are sent to the departmental combat units, such as the "rage" brigade.