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According to the legislation, servicemen have no right to disseminate informatio...

The Ukrainian military will be forbidden to publish some information on the Internet

According to the legislation, servicemen have no right to disseminate information on the media and the Internet, which allows to determine geospatial data on military facilities and the nature of the tasks of the Armed Forces. On Thursday, February 22, in the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a bill aimed at guaranteeing social protection of servicemen and police. In addition to increasing their rights, these persons will be forbidden to place certain information on the Internet.

About it reports MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak on Telegram. He stressed that the bill No. 10313 contains provisions according to which servicemen are deprived of the possibility of dissemination through the media and the Internet information that can be used for their identification (including data to be processed, analyzed and generalized by specialized software) .