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Western countries directly or indirectly continue trade relations with Russia. I...

Friendship is friendship, and business on schedule: how the Western countries help the Russian Federation to wage war against Ukraine

Western countries directly or indirectly continue trade relations with Russia. In this way, they help convert money into weapons that uses the Russian Federation in a bloody war against Ukraine. From a moral point of view, it is cunning. But it is not easy to stop such actions, despite broad sanctions, experts say. "Anti -Russian sanctions are harder to the countries that are introduced than in the Russian Federation.

" Such words have repeatedly sounded from the Kremlin representatives who assured that Russia was allegedly impossible to put on economic knees, despite the intensified attempts of Western allies of Ukraine. Part of the statements of Russian politicians take place. Over the 18 months of the war, European and US firms continue to trade with Russia in various fields, sometimes bypassing sanctions and helping the aggressor country in the war against Ukraine.

In August, the German edition of Bild reported that Russian fertilizers in 2023 had filled the German market, as the cost of their production against Berlin's refusal of Russian gas increased by 150%. Journalists have specified that this type of goods did not fall into the EU sanctions list. Therefore, imports into the country have increased five times without any obstacles. Buying fertilizers is not the "most intricate" direction by which European countries trade with the Russian Federation.

For example, The Insider journalists found out in May 2023 that German firms were getting Russian soldiers. The Supplier of Shoes for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Germans supply leather and glue, and their colleagues from Italy - soles. In general, the Italians do not hide that they are ready to return to the Russian market, in particular in the defensive and energy sphere, as soon as it becomes possible.

According to the President of the Association of Italian Entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation Vittorio Torrembin, "if you follow the principle that we need to leave the market in which we do not like the political system, you can close business in half of the world. " He also added that in Russia, despite the "difficult conditions", the largest national producers - Barilla and Ferrero - remain.

They also dream of returning to the Russian market of Maire Tecnimont and Saipem, which cooperated in Naftogaz and had contracts for billions of euros. Estonian companies are also difficult to say goodbye to the Russian market. A loud scandal has recently exploded in the government.

In August 2023, it turned out that the company of the Prime Minister Kai Kai Callas cooperated with the Russian Federation Plant for the production of metal aerosol packages, until she actively condemned any connections with the Russian Federation. Estonia exports textiles, foods to Russia, and at the same time, as the journalists of The Insider, fiber-optic harnesses, industrial glue for the production of military optics.

Their French colleagues, according to journalists, also indirectly assist Russia in the war, supplying switches used in the circuits of on -board management systems of Russian missiles, as well as technical products for the production ) and anti-aircraft missile complexes. And the Latvians are probably exported to the Russian Federation of millions of euros, as well as details for the production of military products, including engines for warships.

In turn, Austria buys Russian gas to almost the same extent as before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, and is not going to reduce the revolutions, as openly say the policies of the country. And the United States buys Uranus from Russia. In the first half of 2023, Americans bought 416 tons of uranium in Russia. This is 2. 2 times more than the same period last year. The last United States imported the same amount of uranium in 2005 (418 tons).

One of the key problems is not just to buy and sell unnecessary sanctions, such as food or fertilizers, but to have trade relations with the Russian Federation in the field of defense through third countries. In fact, bypassing sanctions. Recently, Jim O'branin's state -owned sanctions coordinator has announced the restoration of imports to Russia's key microchids and electronics of the assault level.

This was made possible by the sale of European companies, processors and integral schemes in third countries that resist them by Russia. The top five countries that help Russia to circumvent sanctions include: Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia and the United Arab Emirates. In addition to selling electronics, some EU countries continue to buy oil in Russia bypassing sanctions.

For example, Germany probably imports fuel through India in the form of petroleum products, which was reported in the German edition of Spiegel. Experts believe that many Western countries are still not ready to abandon Russian goods, as it can cause tremendous harm to their economy. "The main sanctions work, and this is a convenient case that shows that they respond to aggression.

After the introduction of oil embargo, for example, the Russian Federation has fallen export capabilities and income levels. At the same time there is a system of international law - if the country is profitable to trade with Russia have strategic importance, the country will continue to do so despite the political interests. It is the reality of the 21st century. In addition, the government will not go against a business that is profitable to buy or sell goods, as it affects the budget, taxes.

This is a mutual history of a particular country ", - says Focus political expert Oleg Posternak. As for the sale of goods that Russia uses in the defense sphere, through third countries, experts say that it is necessary to strengthen responsibility and impose sanctions on business. "Russia has indeed set up schemes for buying chips through third countries, but forced to pay more money.

It is necessary to start the mechanisms of punishment of countries whose firms are engaged in resale The Russian Federation, and they will be used for weapons production, " - adds political analyst Petro Oleshchuk in a conversation with focus. Focus has previously wrote that the German government intends to trade liquefied gas with Russia.