"We win this war, but to achieve it faster and with less loss, Ukraine still needs intensive military support," the Ukrainian Prime Minister said. The publication notes that Austin did not give specific comments on Shmigal's request, but promised to increase the production of American weapons for Ukraine. "We will continue to invest in our own defense-industrial base for further increase in production," said Pentagon.
In addition, Austin expressed his gratitude to the Ukrainian partners for the responsible and transparent handling of the US. Denis Shmigal commented on a meeting with Lloyd Austin in his Telegram channel. The Prime Minister thanked the Pentagon's head for the support of the Armed Forces and efforts to form the Ukrainian contact group, and also voiced the current needs of the Ukrainian army.
"For the earliest victory, Ukraine also needs more weapons: air defense, heavy artillery and equipment, mortars and ammunition. It should be reminded that during a meeting of the US Senate Committee on the Armed Forces, March 28, Lloyd Austin said that Ukraine does not need F-16 fighters at this time. He also noted that it will take about 18 months to prepare for their supply.
In turn, the Air Force Air Force spokesman Yuri Ignat said that the MiG-29 fighters are inferior to the Russian Su-30, so the Armed Forces needed Western F-16. According to him, the Russians have quantitative and technological benefits in aviation. We also wrote that, according to the statement of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Reznikov of April 4, the issue of the transition of our military-air forces to modern platforms of the Western model will certainly be resolved.
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