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Analysts emphasize that one of the most difficult tasks for the Netherlands arme...

Interferes with the noise of fighters: civilians prevent the Army of the Netherlands to prepare for war with the Russian Federation

Analysts emphasize that one of the most difficult tasks for the Netherlands armed forces is to find a place to prepare for war. In addition to civilians, ecologists also interfere with the military. The Netherlands Army cannot be properly prepared for Russia's war against NATO because of the resistance of ecologists and a civilian population living near military landfills. Defense News writes about it.

"The new civilian puzzle of the country is a symbol of similar events in other European countries, where space is limited in densely populated areas, and modern rules are set up to harmonize economic and environmental goals, not issues of war and peace," the material reads. Analysts have specified that the Netherlands army wants to develop skills in the trench war, but the strict environmental standards of this country "do not allow to take a shovel for its training landfills.

" Air Force also faces obstacles to improving their combat readiness. Pilots need to fly more often on their F-35 fighters, but they are limited by tiny field areas near the airbase. The Dutch government is now making efforts to return to the military at least part of the training space that was available during the Cold War.

This plan of the government has already raised more than 2,200 written questions from citizens, companies and local politicians concerned that in their area the military would learn to shoot, dig and fly. In particular, one concerned camping owner was worried that the noise from the F-35 fighter jets would hurt his business.

The owners of private country houses worry that their estates are in the "red circle on the map" - in the area of ​​potential danger that arises around the warehouse with ammunition. The Ministry of Defense looks to the territory where the planting of the river landing can be worked out, but the Natuurmonenten environmental group is outraged by such plans, because rare orchids grow in the swamp and the migratory birds stop.