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A week after the start of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region - it is ti...

Russia loses people, aviation and territory: the results of the first week of the Armed Forces Operation in Kursk Oblast

A week after the start of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region - it is time to raise the first results. The military enlightener Alexander Kovalenko states: Russia can do nothing yet to regain control in these territories, while there are other vulnerable areas of the border . . .

As expected, the expansion of the area uncontrolled by Russian troops has slow Also, on the way of units on the opposite side, settlements, which, in addition to raid control, also require cleansing from Russian security forces. However, Russian troops continue to complain that official Russian media are lying, completely distorting the real situation in the Kursk war zone.

On the fifth day of the Kursk operation, the Legion "Freedom of Russia" (LSR) was made, which notes that 800 square kilometers of Kursk region will be observed by all the rights of the locals, so the repetition of "Bucha", the mass massacre of civilians by Russian soldiers, arranged There will be no in the Kiev region. In this statement, it is important not even that the chickens are warned that no one will put their lives in danger, and the figure itself is 800 square kilometers.

Today, this figure will not be able to verify in any way, but for the first time it sounded and, given the latest reports of fighting from the border with Ukraine deep into the Kursk region for 25-35 km and expansion of the front, it is quite possible that it is true. The Russian troops partially confirm this figure, voicing the area of ​​the uncontrolled area in more than 700 km².

Last week, during a meeting with security forces, Alexander Lukashenko also called the depth of breakthrough in Kursk region-30-35 km. Indirectly, the serious expansion of the control zone in Kursk is evidenced by the fact that the Russian authorities reported evacuation from the database zone in the Kursk region of more than 76 thousand civilians, which in general corresponds to the figures mentioned above on control of territories with settlements within 800 km².

In the afternoon, on August 10, it became known that the connection disappeared in the village of Totkin. The border village of Totkin is not the first time he is at the epicenter of events, but recently brave "Akhmat", because of this village, entered the empty Ryzhivka of Sumy region. He went, removed the runner with the flag of the Russian Federation and left silently. But Totkino is also interesting because the village of Totkino - Glushkovo, which leads to Rylska, runs through this village.

Earlier in the direction of Rylskaya there was a movement of raid units in the area of ​​Korenevo, and also recorded activity in the area of ​​the village of Horodyshche. The day before, Russian sources reported the loss of control over the village of Martynivka northeast of Sudzhi, the R-200 route. According to Martynivka on the R-200, there is only one village-interior, located close to the road, a large soldier. And in general, the P-200 leads directly to the E-38.

If you think in the scale of a general -military offensive and take into account all the information that is published in open sources that deserve trust, looking at the map -Chicken-Horodishche-Totkine. Also in the environment of the Russian troops talked about the forcing of the Psel River, followed by the establishment of control over the village of Plekhovo.

But the formation of such a "trapezoid" requires a serious potential of forces and means, because, not as, but it is a plot of 4,000 square kilometers. On the other hand, if the enemy does not organize a sufficiently effective resistance, then you can solve the problem with "trapezoid" with much less forces. But with the opposition of surgery in the Kursk region in the Russian command for the fifth day, everything is still not very.

According to information, the command of the Russians now charges units in the Kursk region in almost all directions. The closest of them-Kharkiv, from there are units of the 138th OMSBR, as well as the 79th and 272th SMEs. Further - Kupyan direction, the area of ​​responsibility of UV "West" - at least two battalions.

From the most active and very difficult Pokrovsky, the 810th MP, which has tried to regain control of the wells-the bridgehead of the Sou on the left bank of the Kherson region for almost a year. But all these actions are so leisurely that, apparently, when all the reinforcements in the full composition arrives in the Kursk region, the full defense of uncontrolled areas may well be formed. If, of course, it will arrive.

The process of remote damage to the Russian columns and even places of personnel placement continued in the Kurshchyna. The replenishment of the exchange fund - prisoners. None of the parties officially voic the number of captives of Russian soldiers in the Kursk region, but according to these figures of unofficial sources - from 300 to 1 000.

I remind you that in Kursk was quantitatively more than 10 thousand o/s, and and and and If the data on thousands of captives are confirmed, only in this category the Russians lost a tenth of their group in the Kursk region in the Kursk region. A separate category is the use of tactical aviation in the Kursk region.

The problem of safety for aviation in the sky over the Kurshchyna command of the Russians has never solved, moreover, during the past 7 days at least one Mi-8 helicopter, Mi-28, as well as two KA-52 and front bomber Su-34, have been destroyed. which mainly performs the functionality of the carrier car. It is obvious that Russia loses control of the airspace over the Kursk region, which will further complicate it with land operations to return control over areas in the conditional gray zone.

In essence, having sold the time in the first day of the beginning of the offensive in the Kursk region, which testifies to the complete operational unwillingness of the Russian command for such operations, not only the initiative, but also the possibility of timely relief of the operation was lost.

The lack of significant, positive results for them on the 7th day of Kursk operation not only confirms this opinion, but also indicates the operational-tactical deterioration of the position of the Russians and further, though not at the rapid rate as in the first 72 hours. But this is only if there is no other breakdown direction on one of the border areas, which will not be ready in Moscow again. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.