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The representative of the movement

Wounded are not needed: As Russia changes its soldiers who were captured

The representative of the movement "Our Exit" Irina Krynina The only one of the Russians came to Ukraine for her husband. As a result, it remains and now helps with exchanges. But the Russian Federation does not want to change their soldiers. Irina Krynina is a Russian woman who came to Ukraine when she learned that her life companion, being mobilized, was captured.

The man was dissatisfied that she did not stay in the Russian Federation, but Irina now lives in Ukraine and cooperates with the project "I want to find", which was organized in Ukraine by the coordination headquarters on the management of prisoners of war. According to the woman, Russia does not want to change its soldiers. Point media writes about it.

The "I want" fund helps military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who are in Ukrainian captivity, contact families and advise relatives how to achieve exchange. Many are not even aware that their relatives are alive. Against the backdrop of the Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region, many Russian stakes were captured in the Kursk region, who had to protect the border. Krynina notes that in the camps of prisoners of war they are not involved in the work.

They read books and play board games. The woman noted that the conditions of detention in all camps are good: they provide medical assistance, allow to talk to their relatives, and in difficult cases they are taken to city hospitals. What is strikingly different from the conditions of keeping Ukrainian prisoners in the Russian Federation, which they tell after their return.

The task of Krynina is clear: the more Russians will be included in the lists for exchange, the easier it will be to exchange Ukrainian servicemen and civilians who are in Russia. But the difficulties begin from the very beginning: the assignment of the status of prisoners of war in the Russian Federation. It should be assigned to Russia - so that a person can get on the lists for exchange. Kursk was given quickly, a week.

Some relatives received it by showing a confirmation in the military enlistment office from the project "I want to find" that a person is captured. Someone recorded a video call and received it. But relatives of some contractors cannot achieve a prisoner of war for six months. Krynina reminds that 115 stitches were exchanged, but there are many more. "I do not have the exact figure, but I know that we were only changed a small part.

We started writing mothers right away - well, how did it work out, why did not get to exchange? The sections were changed, and my sits was exchanged? The Ukrainian captivity contains many Russian soldiers who have suffered serious injuries and injuries. And these people do not want to change. Krynina notes that relatives want to return them, but they do not get on the lists.

"There are disabled people who have lost their hands, they have long been in captivity, and Russia does not include them in the lists for exchange. Probably they are not needed," says the woman, remembering the case when mobilized from the Orel region lost his hand, and His wife achieved reception from the governor. "We organized their direct conversation on the video, the prisoner asked the governor to contribute to his exchange.

But there was no results yet," says Krynina, noting that the governor had thrown the phone. They all repeat that they were thrown in the trenches. The commanders escaped as soon as the offensive began. "They were ordered to" stand to the end "on the phone. Many of these recruits were killed. They are not able to, and on them the armored vehicles of the Armed Forces go . . . What they could do? Relatives can come to prisoners, as Irina Krynina did, but they don't.

Now she can help herself, but people do not appear. She herself, having come to Ukraine for her civilian husband Yevgeny Kovtkov, became the first and only. But Eugene himself, according to Irina, became another person. "We stopped hearing each other. He had the opportunity to get out of the prisoners' camp, to help people with me, to become a volunteer. He refused, waits for exchange, wants back to Russia. The war changes people very much," the woman summarizes.

She herself is not going to return to the Russian Federation: "There Putin won for another six years. I will not return to Russia until Putin with my Putin regime. I do not want to live in the state where slaves live. ". We will remind, Focus wrote that as part of the last exchange to Ukraine, 115 Ukrainian soldiers returned. It was possible to release 9 illegally convicted defenders. The military sailors and three border guards were released.