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The 47th brigade reported that there are isolated cases where groups of women ar...

The whole branch has been noticed: occupying female storms in Pokrovsky direction (video)

The 47th brigade reported that there are isolated cases where groups of women are storming their positions. They are liquidated. In Donetsk, Russian invaders for assault began to attract women. Ukrainian defenders noticed them in the Pokrovsky direction. This was reported in the press service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade.

"Russian women storm in the Pokrovsky direction! The operators of the shock drones of the 47th separate mechanized brigade have successfully eliminated garbage," the statement said. The fighters say that recently the information appeared on the network that Russia has started using the recruited women on the front of the recruited. One of the areas of the front was observed a whole separation of such "fighters". "On our shade, we still see a few cases. We are indifferent to the gender.