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The published staff can be heard that a peaceful inhabitant does not pick up wor...

Badly fought: in Lviv, the driver offended the Armed Forces fighter due to traffic violations - social networks (video)

The published staff can be heard that a peaceful inhabitant does not pick up words when communicating with the Ukrainian defender. When the driver learned that he was a representative of the Armed Forces, the number of obscene vocabulary increased. There was a scandal on the road with a probable representative of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a civilian. An unknown man began to humiliate the soldier after violating traffic rules. The video was posted by local Telegram channels on September 9.

The video begins to find out the relationship between two citizens on a lively section of the road. The civilian claims that the car with the other man inside allegedly violated traffic rules and defended his right. At the same time, the words did not select and used obscene vocabulary. The second man introduced himself to the military and considers that he is not guilty of anything and the responsibility lies on the driver of another vehicle.

After a resident of Lviv learned that he was talking to the military during a verbal altercation, he began to offend him more. "You have a military? Hu ** Oh you taught you, bl ** b. X *** you fought," the driver said. In addition, a peaceful resident stated that the military had to be honored and miss another driver on the road. After that, the Lviv resident sat in his car and went in an unknown direction. It is unknown how the incident ended.

The police of the Lviv region did not respond to the scandal at the time of material publication. The website of the Verkhovna Rada published a project of the Law, which provides for amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the issues of strengthening the legal protection of the Armed Forces. For disrespect for the military on the abuser, a fine of 3 400 to 5 100 hryvnias and administrative arrest for a term up to 15 days may be imposed.

Such citizens are also offered to be brought to public work for a term of 50 to 60 hours, correctional labor for a term of 1 to 2 months, with a deduction of 20% of earnings or socially useful work for a term of 240 to 360 days. We will remind, on September 6 it was reported that the blogger-millionaire offended the widow warrior of the Armed Forces, because he considers this war planned. According to Tatiana Koryak, no one attacked Ukraine, and the war continues because it "needs someone".